As Telltale reaches the conclusion of its Game of Thrones adaptation, the studio has released one more trailer to remind players of...
As well as writing and directing Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams has announced a joint venture, titled “Spyjinx,” between his movie...
Telltale’s Game of Thrones adaptation is coming to a close next week, and the studio has released one last batch of screenshots...
Nintendo’s first set of mobile games will be free-to-play, developer DeNA has confirmed. The Wall Street Journal reports that DeNA Chief Executive...
Telltale is getting its scheduling problems in order with Minecraft: Story Mode, as the second episode has been stealth released today, only...
Telltale is now entering the final stretch for its Game of Thrones adaptation, as the studio has confirmed that the series finale...
Tales from the Borderlands’ final episode, “The Vault of the Traveler,” is coming out next week. Leading up to the finale, Telltale...
Minecraft: Story Mode’s first episode launches today, and Telltale has released a new video interviewing several members of the episodic game’s cast...
It looks like Activision and FreeStyle Games are looking to superheroes to help advertise Guitar Hero Live, as the game will make...
After nearly a year, Tales from the Borderlands will conclude later this month. The Mac, PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 version...
Based on Minecraft: Story Mode’s latest trailer, it looks like Telltale’s episodic series will take place after Minecraft proper. The story trailer...
Jonathan Blow’s long-awaited puzzle game The Witness now has a release date. The follow-up to Braid will come to iOS, PC, and...
Telltale’s Minecraft adventure game Minecraft: Story Mode will come to both retail and digital stores, but it won’t be available on store...
Nintendo has announced one of the games it will be releasing on mobile devices as part of its new mobile initiative, and...
It’s been four years since Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure shook up the industry with it’s trailblazing toy-based gameplay, enticing a new generation of...
It appears that the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode may be coming in October, according to an Amazon listing. The retailer...
Telltale has revealed that Minecraft: Story Mode will have both a male and female playable character. Jesse, the game’s protagonist, can either...
Telltale is bringing Minecraft: Story Mode to fans at this year’s PAX Prime. The studio describes the playable demo it will be...
The fourth episode of Tales from the Borderlands comes out tomorrow, and TellTale has released the launch trailer giving fans a glimpse...
Less than a year after its original launch, Square-Enix is shutting down its mobile streaming service Dive In. The company released a...
Tales from the Borderlands’ fourth episode, titled “Escape Plan Bravo,” is coming next week. TellTale Games has confirmed that the penultimate episode...
Sam Barlow, the creator of Her Story, has announced that the game has sold over 100,000 copies since it launched back in June....
Square-Enix has announced that the upcoming mobile Tomb Raider spin-off titled Lara Croft Go will be available on mobile platforms on August...
TellTale Games has confirmed that episode 4 of Tales from the Borderlands will be released in the month of August. News of...
Activision and FreeStyle Games have announced that Guitar Hero Live will feature premium shows that will use pre-recorded concert footage of established...
Bethesda’s Fallout app game Fallout Shelter has earned over $5.1 million since its launch, SuperData confirms. The app was released on the...
TellTale has confirmed that episode 5 of its Game of Thrones adaptation will be available next week. The PC, Mac, and PlayStation...
TellTale has begun teasing the next episode in its Game of Thrones adaptation with a handful of new screenshots. This new episode...
With the advent of tablets and phones with larger sized screens, it’s not surprising that many board games have crossed over to...
TellTale released the first trailer for Minecraft: Story Mode at Minecon this weekend, and it reveals that the game will feature a...
Nintendo has announced that the 3DS Pokemon puzzle game Pokemon Shuffle will be coming to mobile devices later this year. The free-to-play...