Supermassive Games made quite a name for themselves when they released their interactive horror drama game Until Dawn back in 2015 on...
The lands of Bakugawa were once stained red by a legendary Samurai, known only to their victims as The Slasher. After years...
I wasn’t sure what Finders Creepers was going to be when I initially opened the box. What I found inside is a...
Can you believe it’s already October? Amazon Games’ MMORPG New World: Aeternum is getting ready for its arrival on consoles and PC...
Today, SEGA and Sonic Team released the second episode of Sonic X Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings, the prologue animation to Shadow’s new...
Windblown is the latest roguelike offering from Motion Twin, the creators of the wildly popular Dead Cells. We had the chance to...
In perfect holiday timing, Dog Man will arrive shortly. Releasing on December 6th, the platforming pup will make his way onto PC,...
Recently, I was fortunate enough to be invited by RetroRealms to check out the first two worlds of both their upcoming horror...
We had an opportunity to take a first look at developer Neople’s upcoming hardcore action RPG, The First Berserker: Khazan. Taking up...
For this review, I will refer to this product as the G.I. JOE Quartermaster’s guide. This book is a supplement to the...