Turning on Rune Factory 5 for the first time is a genuine treat. You’re greeted with a beautiful animated opening sequence punctuated...
Twenty years after the SaltIron War, Norzelia is finally at peace. The nations of Aesfrost, Glenbrook, and Hyzante have reached a delicate...
The time when every franchise had a kart racer has come and gone. None could dethrone Mario Kart, but many such as...
By this point, we all know the plot of the Ezio Trilogy of Assassin’s Creed game: collecting feath… – I mean, the...
I adore Kingdom Hearts. I grew up with the series and have played each game multiple times, though some more than others....
Pokémon hasn’t changed much since 1996. Game Freak has been reluctant to meddle with their formula of a set of challenges taking...
Windjammers 2 is the sequel to Data East's 1994 arcade sports game Windjammers. After almost three decades, Dotemu has released the game’s...
Queen Nilla of the Isle of Bliss issues a bounty for the dragon terrorizing the land. Three noble souls of the Ivory...
Last year’s Chicory: A Colorful Tale was a delightful title with a sensitive story, a vast world to color in, and tons...
It may be a niche genre, but there are quite a few precision platformers out there. Games like VVVVV challenge players to...
There are a lot of educational games out there, some better than others, but those that are enjoyable aren’t great teachers. The...
Jumping jackalopes parading down the streets of New York, it’s another Sam & Max remaster! Last year, Skunkape brought us the Freelance...
The Danganronpa games have been one of the most widely recognized and renowned games of its genre due to how entertaining, and...
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are developer ILCA’s remakes of the original 2006 Nintendo DS titles. After meticulously playing through it,...
It may not seem like it now, but when the original Grand Theft Auto III hit the PlayStation 2 the gaming world...
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is the epitome of what a Star Wars game should be as, despite its age,...
The Mario Party series is my go-to party game. Easy to hop into for newcomers, competitive, and featuring a ridiculous amount of...
Blue Reflection: Second Light is the sequel to Koei Tecmo and Gust's 2017 Magical Girl JRPG Blue Reflection. While I never had...
God is dead. 18 years ago, Lucifer defeated the Creator, and brought about the Da’at; a barren world which yearns for a...
I continue to find cloud gaming on Switch fascinating. I’ve reviewed a majority of the cloud titles so far (sometimes in other...
As soon as you boot up Just Dance 2022, it immediately feels like Ubisoft is phoning it in. It's the exact same...
We’re living in a future where you can take Crysis 3 with you on the go—where “but can it run Crysis” has...
Dying Light is a 2015, open world, zombie parkour game and, after the success of its launch, I have never heard anyone...
Imagine a room full of cats. Now imagine that room full of cats brawling to the death and destroying the furniture at...
Elden Ring, Halo Infinite, Guardians of the Galaxy -- there’s a LOT to be excited about this holiday season, but one of...
The last metroid is dead. The bounty hunter, Samus Aran, exterminated the creatures on planet SR388. However, this had the unintended consequence...
There’s only one rule in this ancient, Roman city: The many shall suffer for the sins of the one. If someone commits...
Metallic Child, a rogue-lite action game by Studio HG, has arrived, and I've played it to give you the lowdown. Most of...
I’ve missed Castlevania. The Netflix anime was amazing and Bloodstained is a fantastic spiritual successor to the franchise, but there’s something about...
After developer LEVEL-5 released its first hit game in the Ni no Kuni series Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch,...
The year is 2002, I am seven years old and looking for a game to rent at our local Blockbuster. I see...