The world of racing is competitive, fast-paced, tense, and full of danger. From real life events such as NASCAR to video games...
Concrete Genie has a good central mechanic in its magic paintbrush. Where the game falters is in delivering gameplay surrounding those mechanics...
It’s usually a good idea to follow the old adage not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes that cover...
When you think of hard drive manufacturers, South Korean manufacturer SK Hynix probably doesn’t spring to mind. Names like Samsung, Western Digital,...
War games take many forms, although they mostly revolve around run-and-gun gameplay, strategic planning, and espionage. These games tend to make things...
Trine has always been a series that I’ve enjoyed. With its quirky characters, beautiful and lush flora, and fixation on puzzles, Trine...
Developer Saber Interactive (who are also handling The Witcher 3, Vampyr, and Call of Cthulhu for Switch) are tackling the remastering of...
Admittedly, despite my love of the slasher flick, I missed the boat on the Friday the 13th game. Now, in a rare...
Lina is part of the gig economy. She’s a driver for Neo Cab, one of the last remaining non-AI cabs. After reuniting...
Devolver Digital brings the cult classic Hotline Miami and its sequel Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number, to the Nintendo Switch under one...
Look, advergames have been around for decades, and we’re not getting rid of them. From Chex Quest to the (un)holy Burger King...
Inspired by games like Wizardry and Ultima, Dragon Quest is often credited as being the first JRPG, or Japanese role playing game....
If you’ve ever wanted a tabletop experience/16-bit video game adaptation of Arthur’s quest for the grail, Super Camelot might be right for...
One of the great things about video games, it’s often said, is that they let players inhabit different roles and have new...
One aspect of media that people love, whether it be in movies, games, and so on, is beautiful visuals. Fantastical worlds, serene...
Narrative short games on the Switch have been a great source of enjoyment for me as of recently, and I love cheap...
Most first person shooter games involve run-and-gun situations, tactical firefights, and a variety of guns, such as assault rifles, SMGs, shotguns, sniper...
I have been on what seems like an eternal quest to find the perfect gaming headset for the last year and a...
If you think back to Borderlands 2, you’ll likely remember some vault hunters, crazy bosses, that one guy that insists you shoot...
Arkham is lost. Separated from the rest of the world. The Black Day has changed everything. Monsters have risen and are killing...
There is a constant tug of war in the headset world between weight, build construction, sound quality, and price. Listening to fan...
Sayonara Wild Hearts has no interest in taking it slow. From the moment you press play, the game is charging ahead at...
When developer Deck 13 released The Surge in 2017, the franchise had a lot to prove. A sci-fi Dark Souls game sounds...
Hunt: Showdown is not quite the game I expected. A mixture of player vs. player, survival horror, and battle royale, blended with...
It has been 26 years since I first played The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. It wasn’t my first Zelda game, but...
Arthur K. Finklestein’s Jenny LeClue series of small-town mystery novels has grown stale. Its heroine solves mysteries like “The Case of the...
I didn’t know what to expect when I started Daemon X Machina. The demo was notoriously bad, and Nintendo didn’t put much...
The original Westworld was an exercise in the consequences of indulging your basest instincts, how that can change a person, and the...
When Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords was released on the Nintendo DS in 2007 (a date that makes me suddenly feel...
Sports have had a huge following for years, even making their way to the video game format. Whether it be football, baseball,...
A mysterious necromancer and hopeful albino psychic round out Ashes’ lineup to bring an abrupt but quality ending to one of history's...