The second installment in the Albino Lullaby series has been delayed to next year. The store page for Episode 2 on Steam originally listed...
The second episode of Hitman, titled "Sapienza," will be releasing on April 26, developer IO interactive revealed today via the Hitman Twitter account....
Alex joins the roster of Street Fighter V today, and Capcom has released a video of the character in action. The first...
Publisher Deep Silver and Dambuster Studios today revealed a bit of the gameplay we can expect from Homefront: The Revolution. Players will...
Shinobi, a trusted industry insider, recently posted on NeoGAF that the next installment of Call of Duty will take place in the "very...
A survey has appeared on NeoGAF claiming to be in support of the upcoming Mass Effect: Andromeda. Possible spoilers below: According to the survey, Andromeda,...
Telltale has released a new look at the second episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne, and it shows that the stakes are...
Blizzard has announced that the first of StarCraft II's "Nova Covert Ops" add-ons will be available next week on March 29th. This...
Dark Souls III sets a harrowing tone for From Software's latest RPG, showing the sheer magnitude of some of the enemies you'll...
Capcom has released new details about its March update for Street Fighter V, which is now being divided into two separate updates...
Gearbox has revealed new details on Battleborn's story mode, including that it will take on an episodic format focusing on individual character...
Telltale is planning to expand Minecraft: Story Mode past its originally scheduled season finale with three additional episodes. Episode five, "Order Up,"...
Blizzard has released the first of its planned animated shorts based on Overwatch, this one focusing on the genetically-engineered gorilla named Winston....
Starting early tomorrow morning, March 22, The Division's servers will temporarily go down for scheduled maintenance. According to a post on Ubisoft's forums, the maintenance will begin...
After a month on the market, Firewatch has sold over half a million copies. News of this comes from publisher Panic, who...
Boss Key’s upcoming class-based shooter Lawbreakers is no longer utilizing the free-to-play model, according to Cliff Bleszinski. The studio made this shift...
Capybara Games has updated Below's release window, with the top-down rogue like now expected to launch in the summer. This news comes...
Blizzard has revealed new details about its plans to expand the universe of Overwatch through external media, including animated shorts, comics, and...
Spike Chunsoft has announced that Zero Escape 3: Zero Time Dilemma will launch in June on 3DS, PlayStation Vita, and will also be...
Now that Battleborn has has gone gold, Gearbox is laying out its roadmap for the game after it launches in May. The...
Gearbox has announced that it has completed development of Battleborn and that it is ready for its May 3rd launch. News of this comes...
The Xbox One version of Rocket League is getting cross-platform play with PC players, with PlayStation cross-platform play seemingly on the way....
The second episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne has been dated, and will launch on March 29th. Episode two, "Give No Shelter,"...
After a small teaser last week, Spike Chunsoft has announced that Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair will be coming to Steam on April...
It looks like Rocket League will be expanding the sports it mashes up with driving, as Psyonix is teasing the addition of...
Remedy has released a brief new trailer for Quantum Break set to a cover of Nirvana's "Come As You Are." The cinematic...
Two of the characters coming in Killer Instinct's third season have been leaked, one of which is another guest character from Microsoft's...
Capcom has laid out Street Fighter V’s March update, including the addition of Alex as a playable character. Alex is the first...
Dead Island 2 is out of development limbo, as publisher Deep Silver asked Sumo Digital to take on the project. This entry...
Out of the Park Developments has announced the “16 in ’16: Baseball’s Tournament of Champions," a unique competition that will determine which...
A new trailer for Bethesda's Doom reboot has been released, and with it comes a new look at the game's multiplayer, as...