Despite the previous entry in the franchise supporting cooperative play, developer Jason Paradise confirmed via the Steam forums that Far Cry Primal...
Over ten years after Psychonauts was released, its highly anticipated sequel has reached 100% on its crowdfunding campaign. Over 20,000 backers raised over...
Rise of the Tomb Raider, a well-received Xbox One and 360 exclusive this past Fall, will be coming to PC sooner than...
Pre-orders for the virtual reality headset, the Oculus Rift, will begin on Wednesday, January 6, the Ocuclus team announced today. Pre-orders will begin at...
Final Fantasy XV will be releasing this year, director Hajime Tabata confirmed today. In a post on the Square Enix blog, Tabata explained...
Gearbox has revealed two new playable characters from Battleborn The first up is Trevor Ghalt, who IGN describes as "a military veteran,...
The character Lightning from the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy is being featured as a model for Louis Vuitton's new "Series 4" campaign. The advertisement, shown...
Mass Effect: Andromeda's Development Director Chris Wynn has announced that he is leaving the project and Bioware. Wynn took to his personal...
More evidence that Rise of the Tomb Raider is coming to PC in January has surfaced, as the game's Steam listing has...
tinyBuild announced today that its murderous strategy game, Party Hard, will be getting a level editor through the Steam Workshop. Creative fans...
A new update has been released for Grand Theft Auto V, called "Christmas Surprise 2015," delivering several holiday-themed additions to the game....
Tales of Symphonia is coming to PC next year, and Bandai Namco has announced when the beloved GameCube RPG will be available...
Street Fighter V is launching with 16 playable characters, and the first six DLC additions have already been revealed. Series veteran Sagat...
Minecraft: Story Mode's penultimate episode "A Block and a Hard Place" is coming out on December 22nd, and Telltale has released the...
Street Fighter V's third beta phase will begin tomorrow, December 18th, and Capcom has detailed what modes and characters will be available...
Just Cause 3 is a big game. So big, in fact, that it took YouTuber TheyCallMeConor over eight hours to walk across its map...
The team at Wargaming is no stranger to mixing things up from time to time, offering up wacky new play modes in...
Patch 1.02 will be coming to Just Cause 3 this week, as announced on the game's website, addressing the game's load times and stability. The...
XCOM 2's PC requirements have been announced, and now you'll know if you need to upgrade your build before the game comes...
Rise of the Tomb Raider may have a release date on PC, as Amazon France has the PC version of Lara Croft's...
Coldwood's sidescroller Unravel has a release date, and it will be making its way to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on...
Fable: Legends won't be making its originally projected 2015 launch window, as Lionhead has confirmed that the 4v1 action RPG has been...
Now that Tales from the Borderlands has concluded, the developers at Telltale, Gearbox, and the cast behind the game's characters are all...
Ubisoft announced today that the Jack the Ripper DLC content for Assassin's Creed Syndicate will be coming December 15 to consoles, and December...
Telltale has given fans an overview of how it plans to roll out the remaining episodes of Minecraft: Story Mode, which is...
Former president of Square Enix, Yoichi Wada, has given his opinion on Konami's recent treatment of its former employee Hideo Kojima, saying...
Ubisoft has given an update on the long-awaited Assassin's Creed Chronicles games, confirming that the two remaining sidescrollers in the trilogy after...
Rockstar Games announced a new multiplayer mode today for Grand Theft Auto V called "Every Bullet Counts." According to an announcement on the Rockstar...
Psychonauts 2 has already received over $2 million in funding from the crowdfunding/investment website, Fig. During The Game Awards, Double Fine founder Tim...
First off, congratulations to CD PROJEKT RED for their win for Game of the Year, Developer of the Year, and RPG of...
Ubisoft announced today on its blog that the beta for The Division, originally planned to begin in December, would be delayed until early 2016. It's not...