The strategy genre is one that has been dominated by Sid Meier's Civilization franchise for many years now. Instead of providing an...
The RTS genre is one that I think is desperately in need of reinvention. Not considering a few really great titles, the...
Halo 5: Guardians may be one of the most anticipated upcoming exclusives right now for Microsoft. The follow-up to Halo 4 and...
Calling any kind of card/deck-management game a "roguelike" seems like a marketing move destined for parody. Yes, I know - there's a...
Electronic Arts debuted its new game mode Hotwire for the upcoming Battlefield Hardline, in demo form, at last weekend's Playstation Experience. A...
At last weekend's Playstation Experience, I got the chance to play a few matches of a new installment in a classic franchise,...
Dungeon Defenders 2 was on showcase at Sony's Playstation Experience, and we got a chance to play through one of the game's...
Loadout, a third-person shooter with a quirky sense of humor and billions of customization options, has already made a splash on PC....
Some games have you save the world. Some have you rescue the princess, or journey to a foreign land. But how many...
Jungle Rumble, the new Vita title from Disco Pixel, is a fascinating hybrid of puzzle and rhythm, mixed with a perfect amount...
PixelNAUTS, an indie Canadian developer behind the environments in 2013's Contrast, were at the Playstation Experience with their new space-based speeder, Lost...
One of the big announcements at the Playstation Experience was David Jaffe's newest game, a multiplayer third-person arena shooter called Drawn to...
Amplitude can be considered a cult classic among rhythm fans, a crazy game involving shooting down notes and gems to clear tracks...
I adore Tearaway. When the game originally came out on Vita, I played it out of curiosity and so I could have...
Salt and Sanctuary, a PS4 and Vita title from the two-person powerhouse Ska Studios, will be hitting 2015 like a storm. From...
Alongside the release of Destiny's first expansion, The Dark Below, Sony players will also receive a timed exclusive in the form of...
Guns of Icarus Online is coming to PS4, and players will not only get to experience a host of PvE co-op modes,...
As an avid and awful player of the Souls series, I was really looking forward to getting to die a million times...
It's been about six months since I originally played The Order: 1886 at E3, and between then and my trip to the...
Several trailers and gameplay videos have been going around about Supermassive's horror game Until Dawn. Today, we got to demo the section...
Drinkbox Studios' new title, Severed, was announced at the Playstation Experience event among a sea of indie games featured for the Vita....
Gaming Trend Editors Kenneth Shepard and Eric Van Allen have made their sojurn to the desert (it's in Las Vegas -- no...
I stare at the quandary before me, its various tools strewn about in such a way as to be difficult to attain,...
Travis Northup, Staff Writer As an Xbox One user, I got quite a bit of time to play Evolve’s Alpha. I played...
Earlier this week, I went to a Kalypso press event where I got to see a demo of Grand Ages: Medieval. It’s...
Earlier this week, I was given a preview of the 70’s style heist game Crookz from Skilltree Studios. Crookz’ designer Sebastian Merkel...
While at a Kalypso press event, I was able to get a demonstration as well as some hands-on time with Realmforge Studios’...
I wasn’t prepared. I’ve watched every Twitch video, I went through the E3 demo twice, and I’ve consumed every character of written...
The station was just there. I could see it through the shattered remains of my cockpit’s canopy, beyond the timer ticking down...
Far Cry 3’s release back in November 2012 surprised many people. At that point, a majority of people had written off the...
Over the last weekend, we got to go hands-on with the new free-to-play horror FPS, FEAR Online. Spiritual successor to the iconic...