A little guilty pleasure of mine is cooking shows. Whether it be the lighthearted conflict of The Great British Baking Show or...
The launch of the Nintendo Switch is just around the corner. Even though Nintendo did an official unboxing video, theirs didn't have...
It's not often that one is able to slip between multiple realities in a single day, but thanks to an invitation by...
Let's get this out of the way: I'm not what you'd call the target audience for 'mystery loot crates.' To start with,...
Like every kid at heart, I’ve avidly watched Disney movies growing up, and I’ve seen everything from The Lion King to Chicken...
Frontier Development built Elite Dangerous with over 400 billion star systems, each one having over 100+ bodies within. Every star in the...
Hunter Wolfe and Joe DeClara get together to talk about their impressions of Dishonored 2's two playable characters, its new systems, and...
Normally we’d be looking at a full review for the game at the day before launch, but Ubisoft’s got a few wrinkles...
Ever since I started to regularly collect comics last year, I’ve been attracted to the zany and lighthearted ones. From Jughead to...
There comes a point in everyone’s life when they wish animals could speak. However, not a lot of people wonder the consequences...
Battlefield 1’s open beta had its fair share of technical issues with a reported DDoS attack crashing its servers on the first...
In an effort to stand out from the crowd, it’s not uncommon to see game publishers host members of the gaming media....
As the sequel of the award winning video game Dishonored, Dishonored 2, looms on the horizon, Titan comics has launched a new...
Doctor Who and Torchwood fans that love Captain Jack Harkness will be ecstatic with his continuing adventures with the Torchwood Institute. In...
As we rocket toward the climax of the Assassin’s Creed: Assassins second five part arc, our heroine, Charlotte De La Cruz, is...
I don’t normally cover free-to-play titles as there’s little need -- you can simply try them out for yourself. That said, I...
When a mysterious message comes in to Chief Engineer Lily Shen’s lab, the XCOM team is off to the races once again...
I’ve been in the videogame business for a long time, but many of you might have noticed that I also tackle D&D...
Taking off shortly after the events of Assassin’s Creed: Assassins issue number five, the sixth opens with our heroine, Charlotte ‘Char’ De...
Last year, Titan comics introduced us to the world of Charlotte De La Cruz and her violent induction into the shadowy war...
The Shield TV is far more than a TV service aggregation platform. As you might have seen in my review of the...
Mojang’s smash hit, Minecraft, is now available for Nintendo’s Wii U. It comes complete with low-res textures, blocky trees and even blockier...
The fourth installment of the Assassin’s Creed comic series continues to follow the exploits of hard-hearted Assassin Tom Stoddard as he seeks...
Part two of the Assassin’s Creed comic series jumps us right to our hero Char’s maiden dive inside the ancestral mind of...
Explosions are a beautiful thing. No company has proven that more than Avalanche Studios, developers of titles such as Mad Max and...
For as much rich lore and cultures that the Dragon Age series boasts, you’d think at this point we’d have more stories...
In tandem with the release of Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Titan Comics has embarked on a new soft-cover comic series set in the...
There are a staggering amount of low-res, randomly generated game worlds that get played out there, more than I care to imagine....
“Don’t stop moving.” Those three words are how Mike Christatos, president of Golden Ruby Games, summed up their new game to me,...
Many await this holiday season for the same reason as the past few years: a new Call of Duty. This time the...
[UPDATE: After discussing the latest episode of Tales from the Borderlands, we were made aware that “Escape Plan Bravo” actually contains an...