Ghost Recon: Wildlands feels like a liberating evolution of the Tom Clancy series’ mission-based structure. It retains familiar themes of the series...
The original creators of the Toys-to-life genre, Toys for Bob, are back in the saddle for the newest iteration of the Skylanders...
With violence being prevalent throughout so many art forms today, developer Garage227 wants to do its best to counteract that with their...
One of the most common things I’ve heard about Battleborn since its announcement was that it was a “first-person MOBA.” Gearbox Software,...
Gareth Noyce has been making big budget games in the UK for over a decade, and has a reputation with gamers as...
At a recent event in San Francisco, I went hands-on with Remedy's upcoming time-bending shooter/puzzler, Quantum Break. After a three year wait...
Hundreds of billions of dollars change hands on the day after Thanksgiving. In a bid to grab the latest tech, clothes for...
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 introduces six new characters classes (three plant classes, and three zombie classes). The Imp, Super Brainz,...
Popcap Games gave us a sneak peek at Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, and we had the opportunity to chat with...
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare was arguably the silliest game of 2014. The combat was over-the-top, the characters were hilarious, and the...
From the SuperScope on the NES to the Sniper Scope rifle on the original Xbox and PS2, we've flirted with the idea...
Dying Light was one of the biggest surprises of 2015, and Gaming Trend praised it for its excellent parkour and melee combat mechanics...
While much of Gearbox’s marketing of Battleborn has gone into showcasing the shooter's expansive roster of distinct playable characters, in the several...
Defeat was imminent. Despite my team’s best efforts, Imperial troops had continued to push forward. The snowy battlefields of Hoth had been...
WWE 2K15 had a lot of issues. The game did not die based on one failure, but a host of failures coming...
It’s been four years since Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure shook up the industry with it’s trailblazing toy-based gameplay, enticing a new generation of...
The aura of being in the shoes of a Superstar is something many WWE fans dream of throughout their many hours of...
There are times in your life when you start a project and in your heart of hearts you know what you are...
In the midst of towering booths, colorful lighting and thunderous sounds, you can often find smaller, niche game makers scurrying about the...
At E3 you take a lot of appointments. In fact, across three days we ended up taking nearly 70 of them between...
Games with dinosaurs can often be a difficult thing to develop. With some dinosaurs that tower over a human player, finding game...
The excitement of the Disney Infinity series has always come from partnering up some of the most iconic characters to ever grace...
Steam's Early Access service is constantly bombarded with roguelike survival games, but The Flame in the Flood from The Molasses Flood gives direction...
Hoth is to Star Wars: Battlefront as Omaha Beach once was to World War 2 shooters. It is the signature battle, known...
The Dark Souls series has long been a wonder of confusion for people who dislike it, and a trophy of glory for...
When it comes to tweaking the Madden series on a yearly basis, fans are always interested to see if EA Tiburon is...
When it comes to Transformers games, the quality tends to be mostly hit or miss. There have been some high points in...
NBA Live has been a series struggling to find an identity since its resurrection a few years back. The past two iterations...
The key to Rock Band 4’s brilliance is the way it builds up, rather than changes. Many rhythm games attempt to change...
From the first moment I laid eyes on Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5, I could tell that this game is meant as...
Mighty No. 9 is one of the original Kickstarter darlings, and it looks like we’re finally going to be able to get...