Halo Wars 2, in many ways, picks up right where the original Halo Wars left off. The story jumps forward through slip...
I spent a lot of time playing World of Warcraft when it released, too many hours to even be healthy. I played...
Digimon has always felt like the weird cousin of the monster collecting games, not quite as stylish and dramatic as its more...
Toys coming alive is somehow a consistently winning formula. Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found takes that formula and plunges it into...
Nintendo is launching its transforming portable home console — the Nintendo Switch — in less than three weeks, and we now have...
The Nintendo Switch is just around the corner, releasing on March 3rd, but what can you expect when the Big N’s new...
Welcome to Gaming Trend's new gameplay series. Each week, editor Mike Pearce (that's me) will be teaming up with other members of...
Paper City and its seedy underbelly are ready to be explored in Bear With Me Episode 2. Amber and Ted take to...
For Gaming Trend's first podcast episode of 2017, a bunch of Gaming Trend's editors and contributors got together to debate last year's greatest...
While the Wii U is officially discontinued and will not have any more first-party titles after Legend of Zelda: Breath of the...
Dark and engrossing, Beholder takes a realistic look at life in a totalitarian state. Do you perform your job as assigned, look...
Written by Christian DeCoster and Rachel "Rei" Berry For Honor is, in my mind, the ultimate elementary school “who’d win in a...
It seems these days that JRPGs are taking cues from western influences and developing into open-world, cinematic sprawls. This isn’t a bad...
I’ve got 53 hours commanding my team in XCOM 2. I’ve trekked 49 hours with friends in Borderlands 2. The Dragon Age...
After over 12 years in development, Nioh plays like a compilation of every hack-and-slash RPG since the early 2000s, and while it’s...
I got my first taste of CI Games’ Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 during PAX West 2016 last September. Until then, I’d never...
Two great empires, wrapped in their majesty and history, watch one another with wary eyes from across a neutral expanse known as...
Five years into development, Dragon Slumber is set to release Arelite Core on Steam this week. We got to talk with the...
Divide starts off throwing the player directly into the fray. The protagonist and an unnamed woman find themselves fleeing from rolling robots...
I was pretty impressed with the Tobii EyeX and said as much in my review. I also pointed out that, while it...
Zen Studios has made it their business to create the perfect pinball experience. They have over 70 pinball tables, including licensed properties...
I hate getting scared. The idea of somehow accessing one's reservoir of dopamine through agitating the reptilian brain has always stricken me as a...
Death is scary, but it would be a bit less so if I knew I got to come back and beat up...
Kingdom Hearts, in all its bizarre glory, has relished in the use of numbers and symbols to creep slowly towards the final...
Resident Evil 7 is simultaneously the biggest departure, and the most classic addition, that the iconic horror series has seen in a...
Watching a professional match in Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 (UMvC 3) is one of the most brilliant spectacles in video games....
After gaming for awhile, I’ve discovered there are some unique personalities that come to the table. You’ve got people that rage quit,...
There’s no doubt that the PlayStation 4’s PSVR system has had a pretty solid launch. Many of the products that arrived on...
Korvosa, a great city seated at the edge of the Varisian wilds, is in turmoil. A curse hangs over the rulers, dooming...
M.E.R.C. is a new real-time tactical shooter from TinyMob Games that released on Steam’s Early Access program earlier this month. Set in...
The claymation look of Don’t Open the Doors is a stark contrast to most modern games, It’s a new concept to many...