The Sword Art Online series is currently in its third season, with each season having wildly different plotlines. The first season seems...
Flocks of birds wheel and turn through the air while a group of enthusiasts try to coax them into their aviaries. You...
It’s been more than a decade since Devil May Cry 4, and it’s hard to believe that a franchise so beloved has...
It’s China in 1570, and the Longqing Emperor is doing his best to expand the Great Wall while trying to rid the...
Street Fighter has been an incredibly popular series over the past two decades. From arcade cabinets to home consoles, the series has...
Have you ever wanted the power to back a princess on her journey to become a queen? Heart of Crown gives you...
When we reviewed ChromaGun last year, we referred to it as a “poor man’s Portal.” Now that it’s been released for PlayStation...
Like most young children at the time, I had an irrational fear of the dark. (If you didn’t feel scared when your...
Before we get into the review proper, I have a bit of a caveat and a comparison to make that will explain...
Opening safes may be the quintessential activity in all heist movies. Finding combinations and hitting the buttons just right is perhaps the...
Handhelds are the perfect timewasters, and the Switch embodies this philosophy. There are plenty of games that encourage play in short bursts,...
Puzzle games are usually an idyllic experience, and they are easily digestible in relaxed settings. As much as I like fast-paced puzzle...
In terms of platformer comfort food, the Kirby franchise is my go-to when I want some relaxing, fun gameplay. The first game...
Codemasters is known for making some of the most accurate, challenging racing games out there, and DiRT Rally 2.0 is no exception....
I really didn’t know what to expect when I started Kingdom Hearts III. I’m a huge fan and completed every game in...
Typical dungeon crawlers and RPGs pit you and your fellow party members against a horde of enemies controlled by a game master...
In a time when games are increasingly becoming focused on online experiences and multiplayer ecosystems, Metro Exodus couldn’t come at a better...
Crossover games have had a good history of bringing various separate worlds together. Games like Marvel vs. Capcom and Super Smash Brothers...
Of the fruit borne by the partnership between Epic Games and Annapurna, thatgamecompany’s string of relaxing, flow-centric experiences is among the most...
We all love a good origin story, but the most ambitious ones are the ones that retell and remaster a tried and...
New Aragami, but the same old tricks it seems. God Eater 3 continues the series tradition of blending together lackluster progression, melodramatic...
A crisis of identity sits at the heart of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Is it an adventure? Is it a gazetteer of Water...
Even though signs are showing an impending death for the 3DS, there is still a golden opportunity for the device to showcase...
Last year, we reviewed Salt and Sanctuary for the Nintendo Switch, most of which is applicable to the Xbox version. You can...
The Crackdown franchise has a special history for the Xbox community. When the original Crackdown was released in 2007, it mostly served...
Post apocalyptic worlds are typically fantastic settings for action games, especially in the FPS genre. The ending of Far Cry 5 created...
When I reviewed Subsurface Circular last year, I was impressed with how Mike Bithell Games could pack such an engrossing narrative in...
Developer Chucklefish seemed to go the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” route with Wargroove. Anyone who remembers Advance Wars will...
Racing games are incredibly popular and come in a variety of forms. You can race cars, boats, planes, ATVS, motorcycles, and more....
Luke Skywalker, lightsaber in hand, leads a small strike force across the desolate landscape of an alien planet. The Rebels are moving...
I’m always excited to review a dating sim; they’re so varied, so strange, and have such a passionate following. You never quite...