The 13th annual Pokémon World Championships have drawn to a close, and the winners have been crowned. The 2016 Pokémon World Champions...
It’s day one of the 2016 Pokémon World Championship Series! This annual competition consists of Pokémon players from over 35 countries who battle...
In the barbarian lands of Gaul, Emperor Caesar has called his armies to assemble. The Cohort casts you, the players, as generals...
Stone Blade Entertainment has several games, but they are known mostly for their Ascension deck building game. Most of their games rely...
Stronghold games has created The Great Designer Series to highlight some of the best board game designers. So far games like 504 by...
I remember getting an email from Rob Dougherty a little over three years ago about a new card game he was developing. I...
The Ascension deck building game has seen several boxed versions come out, each one coming out with a new twist to keep...
Card games have become a passion of mine in recent years. Time constraints of work and quality moments with family mean that...
Mayday Games had humble beginnings. One of the first products they made were card sleeves around the release of Dominion. Their first game...
IDW Games came out of nowhere with a little hit called Machi Koro. Since then they have released several games with a...
Iello had a huge hit five years ago with King of Tokyo. Whoever thought that a Yahtzee-style dice-rolling game could be so much...
If you have been following Cheapass Games, then you know that they had a hugely successful Kickstarter for their game Tak. I...
If you follow games, then you know that Cool Mini Or Not has some great games with some incredible plastic figures. However,...
Ares Games is the company behind the Sails of Glory and Wings of Glory games. However, their line has expanded significantly from...
Ascension has been one of my favorite deck-building games since it was originally released. Each new version has had a new mechanic...
The Munchkin line has had several different iteration, with many different themes. However, a new version with a guest artists is available. What’s...
I’ve always found it interesting to see how much Viking culture for a millennia ago still resonates with today. There are days...
While Portal Games has only recently started to handle game distribution in the US, they have had great success with several games...
There aren’t many drafting games, but Tides of Time came out last year to high praise. What made Tides of Time unique was...
If there’s a genre where board gaming still takes a backseat to digital platforms, it’s in the world of sports games. While...
Jurassattack has all the might and brawn of an epic dinosaur showdown, but adds a layer of deep strategy that catches you...
Not only has the Pathfinder RPG system had huge growth since it’s been released, the number of sourcebooks made for the system...
If you saw my Xenoshyft review from last year or my Best of 2015 Tabletop Games, then you know how much I...
Gaming Trend Editor-in-Chief Ron Burke sat down with Lewis Shaw, the creator of a Kickstart-in-motion called Downsize to find out what this...
With the wealth of games being released, sometimes it’s difficult for quality titles to keep their momentum. White Wizard hopes to build...
It seems like most hidden role games are some kind of Werewolf variant or something with two distinct sides. With Good Cop...
Even if the sound is a little crummy, it’s pretty clear who won in this PAX South demonstration of the card game...
1. First off, please introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about Burn Artists. Burn Artists is a new, incredibly unprofitable...
For once the nations of the Earth will work together against the incoming threat. We are being bombarded by meteors. Humanity has...
For any game to journey from a fledgling idea to a full-blown product is an arduous task at the best of times,...
Just as I was beginning to open up Iello’s Alien Wars, a trailer for the new Independence Day movie appeared on the...