Long-time fans of adventure games know the name Tim Schafer and hold his work in high esteem. For years, they’ve been pining...
Combos, combo breakers, reversals, air reversals, quarter-circle forward fierce -- fighting games have become so obfuscated by increasingly complex controls and move...
Bringing classic gameplay back to life is a double-edged sword. The “Metroidvania” platformer enjoyed its heyday some 15-20 years ago when Super...
Despite a long history of gradual improvements, the racing genre doesn't always reflect the real-world track life: there is one winner, and...
Every action has a consequence. In order to survive, we do what it takes -- even if that survival comes at a...
What is the meaning of life? Or death, for that matter? It’s the ultimate philosophical cliche. We strive for greatness -- or...
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc takes great pride in slowly unravelling its twisted, sadistic narrative. You play as Makoto Naegi, a high school...
Somewhere in the course of history, we all decided that games needed to be shorter. Modern games tend to slot somewhere between...
Twisted Pixel has earned something of a reputation for giving us some of the most bizarre games ever made. Lococycle, their most...
In Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, there is only a pair of references to Adéwalé’s skin color and how it affects his...
Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed (hereafter Sonic Transformed) is Sega's most recent foray into the world of iOS gaming, providing some...
Born to PC and WiiWare , Press Play’s character Max of Max and the Magic Marker was a well-received 2010 Windows Phone...
The original release of flOw was a simplistic experiment that showed that the PS3 had support for the artsy and indie community....
In the seventh console generation we saw an increased focus on motion controls, but the hardware just wasn’t capable of the 1:1...
There are 75 million people registered in World of Tanks, with 1.1 million peak concurrent players. Let that number sink in -...
For a while, the Star Trek universe felt like it had gone a bit stale with the end of Enterprise. That changed...
Ryse: Son of Rome was originally announced in 2010 as Codename: Kingdoms, and was slated to be a Kinect game for the...
Getting together and playing video games with your friends is tough these days. Games are getting packed with more and more online...
They say that Rome wasn’t built in a day. I have a feeling that neither were their roads. With Rome being a...
Modern Cult Science Fiction. Also known as Firefly. Like being hipster before it was cool, people didn’t know what Firefly was until...
Interacting with gods can be difficult. You want them to do something nice for you now, like give you a new car,...
While producing a game may be difficult, coming out with a sequel can be an even bigger challenge. How different must a...
C20H25N30 — lysergic acid diethylamide. LSD. Acid. Back in the trippy days of LP records, half the experience of visiting a music...
If there is one emotion that games can capture better than any other medium, it is wonder. What does that button do?...
Worker placement games are very hit and miss for me. Sometimes they grab my attention, but others I have a problem getting...
Put away your plastic toy guitars. After Rocksmith showed us that it could be done two years ago, rhythm games with real...
Along a sun-drenched swath of the Italian Riviera lay the Cinque Terre, five towns resisting the temptations of progress in favor of...
Zombies are everywhere! Seriously... everywhere. On TV, in movies, books, comics... I am sure there is a song about zombies. They have...
I have been a fan of fighting games since the token-eating machine Street Fighter II was released. I remember looking at strategy...
In 2005, three games irrevocably altered the survival horror genre. Through the 90s and early 2000s, survival horror had essentially followed the...
I had very high praise for the current-gen version of Assassin’s Creed IV, but it’s the next-gen versions that everyone wants to...