In an unexpected turn of events, the original Bioshock has been announced for iOS. The shooter will be completely adapted to utilize...
A new behind-the-scenes trailer for Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has been released. The video showcases the cast, including game industry veterans...
The Guardians of the Galaxy may have just been unveiled, but it looks like some Marvel villains are also coming to Disney...
IGN is reporting that TellTale has confirmed that its Walking Dead adaptation will be getting a third season. News comes from studio...
The NVidia Shield is an ambitious device. It’s powerful, it’s versatile, it’s compact, and it’s surprising. It’s also a device with a...
Traveller’s Tale has release a ton of new content for Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham to coincide with the game’s presence at...
While many deck builders have made their way to the iOS, Ascension is one of the best implementations, if not the best....
In addition to the Avengers and Spider-Man, the Guardians of the Galaxy are coming to Disney Infinity 2.0 The play set will...
The Walking Dead: Amid the Ruins Coming Next Week TellTale Games has revealed when we can expect to continue Clementine’s journey in...
There are a great deal of awesome Disney characters, so it’s no surprise that they’ve selected two of their best and brightest...
While we have seen board games come with electronic devices, we are starting to see some integration with board games and tablets....
Lego Batman 3’s Pre-Order Exclusives Span Six Retailers Warner Bros. has revealed the pre-order exclusives for the upcoming Lego Batman 3: Beyond...
Time is running out to apply to test the Razer Nabu I’m tempted to not even tell you because it’s ruining my...
The Wolf Among Us’ Season Finale Coming Next Week TellTale Games has confirmed that its on-going Fables adaptation The Wolf Among Us...
Square Enix Montreal’s hit iOS installment, Hitman GO, will be getting 15 new levels in the near future. The update will be...
The grand OUYA experiment has had its share of successes and failures. One of the successes is Chess 2: The Sequel. However, it...
The last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days...
Jonathan Blow describes his upcoming game The Witness as “a world of stuff”. The meaning of this becomes clear as soon as...
Jonathan Blow has been working on The Witness for five years now and it’s almost ready for release. We catch up with...
The wearable market has honestly stagnated a bit over the last year. Most don’t display a wealth of data, and there hasn’t...
There are a LOT of options on the market to bring controller options to the cell phone market. Well, Razer has a...
Join us at 3:00 PM PDT for Ubisoft’s E3 2014 livestream, with added flavor by the Gaming Trend editorial staff via liveblog.
The Hitman games have been headed in a logical direction over the past few years. A simple stealth-em-up formula that has been,...
Square-Enix Reveals Hitman: Sniper for Mobile Devices Square-Enix has revealed that it will be releasing a new Hitman game for smartphones and...
After David Sirlin moved on from the video game world, he created his own board game company called Sirlin Games. He created...
iOS controllers haven’t exactly had the best run of luck lately. Whether they’re too damn expensive, or just plain not up to...
Maleficent Confirmed and Merida Teased for Disney Infinity Disney has confirmed the next additions to Disney Infinity. The previously teased Maleficent was...
While Lords of Waterdeep is a great game in its own right, the Scoundrels of Skullport takes the game to a higher...
New Disney Infinity Trailer Showcases Avengers Play Set A new trailer for the upcoming Avengers Play Set for Disney Infinity has been...
We sat down with Karl Roelofs, Design Director at Zojoi to talk about their revival of the classic NES title, Shadowgate. Coming...
Brought to our attention by the good people over at @devolverdigital, an outfit calling themselves Money Horse Games has announced a side...