Analogue Interactive is now taking orders for the Analogue Nt, an aluminum-body custom console that plays NES and Famicom games natively on...
One of my absolute favorite games from Harmonix was Amplitude. I vividly remember playing Frequency, Amplitude's predecessor on the PlayStation 2 back...
CapyGames has officially announced that their Metal Slug meets Primer side-scrolling rewind-em-up Super Time Force will be released for Xbox One and...
Polygon reports that no less than three representatives of Epic Games, including Vice President Mark Rein, have taken to Twitter to build...
On a post in the Planet Vampire forums, atrblizzard has announced he is leading a team of fans attempting to bring Troika...
Did you like the video we posted up for the freshly-announced Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare? Well then you'll dig these screenshtos...
The team at Bungie have released a half-dozen screenshots from their September-slated RPG/Shooter hybrid, Destiny via Twitter. The screens give us a...
Full Bore. From Whole Hog Games. Man, I can't even make this stuff up. Today we've got a trailer to show off...
Welcome to another Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! Below are a handful of games that look interesting enough to check out. If you...
Bound by Flame is right around the corner (May 9th) and we've got a few screenshots of the companions that'll join you...
This morning we've got the formal announcement of the next version of Call of Duty. This one is entitled Call of Duty...
We shall soon know what the newest Call of Duty will be called as Activision will be revealing the title Sunday, May...
If the recent event I attended is any indication, Disney Infinity is going all in with Marvel. Clark Gregg from Agents of...
Kaos has blown up the walls of the feared Cloudcracker Prison freeing the most notorious villains in Skylands. Using Traptanium, a magic...
Marvel is the next big thing when it comes to the Disney Infinity game world, and we couldn't be happier. Check out...
The battle for your Christmas money just went super-powered - Disney Interactive announced their fall release of the new Disney Infinity :...
Bioware is working on turning out a new Dragon Age game, and in case you're wondering, it's development just hit the alpha...
Game publisher Iceberg Interactive today announced the signing of the recently Steam green-lit title Starship Corporation. In development at German developer Coronado...
A video has been released on Nintendo's website, revealing many juicy details about the upcoming Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U...
Tomorrow is patch day, and this is a VERY anticipated update. Software patch v1.70 for the PlayStation 4 not only allows users...
Microsoft took a massive strategic step today. For the first time since the original Xbox launched in November of 2005, Microsoft will...
XSEED Games announced today a new demo for their game Ragnarok Odyssey ACE, along with a free DLC package. In addition, the...
A new video has been released for MLB The Show 14, starring comedic actor Danny McBride, boasting on why "Baseball is Better." ...
Wolfentein: the New Order is right around the corner, and today we've got a video showcasing the "Tactile" stealthy and the "Mayhem...
The game originally expected to launch alongside the Playstation 4 has finally secured a launch date, Driveclub will be available on October...
I'm not one to throw Kickstarts at you folks constantly, but there are occasionally efforts that look too cool to pass up....
You probably saw our Watch Dogs blowout (I'm fuzzy how you could possibly miss it!) but today we've got a bit more...
You may not be a fan but you can't deny, Nintendo sure has an interesting way of making E3 announcements. In this...
One of the longest running sports franchises around, Madden, will be getting its next installment on August 26th. Diverging back to their...
You probably saw our review for MLB 14 The Show on the PlayStation 3 and Vita recently, but there are obviously a...
Information on Destiny has been a little bit light, though their E3 demo from last year was pretty much brain-meltingly awesome. Today...