Cinema has created a whole bevy of intriguing and deadly characters, with some of them becoming so popular that they extend into...
You've heard about the drug dealing business from movies, TV shows, video games, and depending on your experiences, in real life as...
This week Erica and Jon are joined by Mike Dunn and Ron Burke to talk about Retro Gaming. -So it's decided we...
Some years ago I owned an in-car GPS device. For the most part it worked well, a few right turns here and...
On the heels of another truly awesome entry in the Gears series, it might seem bizarre for The Coalition to release the...
Sakura Wars is the perfect encapsulation of a playable anime. Love it or hate it, it’s got all the tropes, character archetypes,...
You may be thinking the same thing I was when I heard the name of Journey to the Savage Planet’s first DLC,...
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to become a Furniture Arrangement and Relocation Technician, or F.A.R.T. for short. After completing our mandatory employee training...
There are few games as old, simple, and fun as block stacking. Equal parts physical skill and strategy, games like Jenga are...
Five years have passed since the events of XCOM 2. The Avatar project was stopped, preventing the genocide of the human race....
I grew up dirt poor. I didn’t own a NES, I couldn’t afford the SNES, no Genesis or Sega CD. The list...
Puzzle games come in all shapes and sizes, whether they be matching tiles, connecting paths, navigating mazes, and so on. This leaves...
Games today are often heavily marketed and developed with cutting-edge visuals and advanced graphics; and who can blame them? Playing a game...
If you grew up in the emerging otaku market in 2006, you might have experienced Clash of Ninja for the Gamecube. While...
War-based games are nothing new, although they typically exist in the realm of shooters, turn-based strategy games, and so on. World War...
This week Erica and Jon are joined by Kay Purcell and David Flynn to discuss Final Fantasy VII! -Cloud X Barret is...
Welcome to the first of a new series of videos we’re doing here at Gaming Trend called Up Your Game, where we...
Undoubtedly you’ve heard of Turtle Beach as we routinely check out their high-quality gear here, but you might not have heard of...
Undoubtedly you’ve heard of Turtle Beach as we routinely check out their high-quality gear here, but you might not have heard of...
There is a specific gaming seat design that has become extremely popular recently. They all have a certain kind of arms, a...
Sennheiser is well known for its enterprise-level audio solutions. They are the top choice for corporations around the world for headsets that...
If you’ve read my keyboard reviews in the past, you know I have an affinity for Cherry MX red key switches. In...
Anyone else remember the older days of gaming, where we had limited pixels, colors, and gameplay options? Sure, I wasn't around during...
Developers and game designers have a multitude of things to consider when coming up with ideas. Not only do they have to...
Sometimes games are viral because of how amazing they are, and other times they’re just viral because of the memes. From Goat...
It isn’t unusual for a video game to delve into 30 or 40-hour playtime territory, even hundreds of hours is not uncommon....
Some people dream of being a famous actor, some people dream of piloting a giant robot, and some dare to dream of...
Did you miss us? Well, we are back in action with even more friendly voices! This week Jon and Erica are joined...
Fans have waited a very, very long time for Final Fantasy VII Remake, an expansive and ambitious new look at Final Fantasy...
There have been a great number of awesome fighting games over the years from Mortal Kombat 11 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate...
Did you know that 80% of the world's animals are insects? Neither did I until I was graced with this random fact...