EA has sent over a little behind-the-scenes snippet of Linkin Park's new music video "Castle in Glass," in partnership with Medal of...
Microprose (formerly known as Interactive Games Group) announced its new title today, a 3rd person team-based shooter called Special Forces: Team X....
The Kinect has been sitting pretty at a price of $149 for the last couple years, and has been selling like motion-tracking...
Last week I reported that the upcoming Command & Conquer: Generals 2 , in development at Bioware, was going to be a free-to-play...
A new trailer for tactical-RPG Jagged Alliance: Crossfire has emerged and takes us on a guided tour through Khanpaa, a nation under...
Sad news at PopCap today as they announce the layoffs of ~50 people at their Seattle office. Electronic Arts-owned game developer PopCap...
After more than 20 years of publication, Nintendo Power magazine will be shutting down. Nintendo Power's shuttering comes during a time of...
Last week, Capcom gave us the skinny on their new free online service put in place to enhance the Resident Evil 6...
The truly hardcore hippity hop experience lies within the melodies of radio hit singles like LMFAO's "Sexy and I Know It" and...
Transformers: Fall of Cyberton comes out tomorrow and we've got the launch trailer to whet your appetite in the mean time. The...
For a lot of you out there, Diablo III has lost some of its luster. You probably have one (or even several)...
If there's two things the world can always use more if, it's plants and zombies. PopCap Games has announced that the sequel...
Guardians of Middle-earth was absolutely PACKED at E3! The folks at Monolith have really put something cool together with help from the...
Courtesy of Gamescom, Ubisoft has announced that Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Online has finally entered open beta. That means you can jump...
Skylanders was a pretty huge hit for Activision, so it's no shock that Skylanders Giants is heading our way. Today we have...
If there was a rebooted franchise that had everyone on their feet during E3, it was Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist. The...
This is how the Character screen of Darksiders II looks at 1920 x 1080. Pretty rough, eh? It's even more stark once...
The Free-to-Play genre is heating up. Star Wars The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, Tribes: Ascend, and more have all taken that...
Mars: War Logs is an action RPG that publisher Focus Home Interactive has announced for release sometime in 2013. Being developed by...
If you thought the Olympics were a big deal, clearly you haven't heard of the Pokemon World Championship which pits savage children...
If there's one thing you can expect out of a Borderlands game it's crazy weapons. Gearbox has put out three kinda strange...
Derek Paxton's renovation of the Elemental franchise ticks another notch towards completion today as the 4x game enters the next major phase...
Activision has brought us some new media for their latest James Bond game, 007 Legends. With this video, they reveal two more...
Persona 4 was a big game. It took me well over a hundred hours to finish, and that's not counting the handful...
The Deadpool game was announced at this year's Comic and since then a slow trickle of information and media has been making...
A new batch of fresh screenshots for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 have surfaced from Gamescom, showing off some of the...
Today marks the start of Ubisoft's weekend-long sale event, with a new selection of games hitting discounts of 70% or more every...
They sure do! Not just these kids, either: the series has proven wildly popular with younger gamers, producing great sales numbers and...
Among these nine new screenshots of ZombiU, the developers at Ubisoft included this instructional image on how best to resolve an encounter...
Aren't fitness games a brilliant idea? They give you all the structure you'd want from a traditional home exercise program, but with...
Like this. Yes, seriously. I would have mistaken it for concept art too, but as anyone familiar with the 360 and PS3...