Diablo III: Reaper of Souls isn’t just an expansion for the series - it’s a complete revamp. With the Auction House being...
Despite gaming’s current nosedive into the uncanny valley, where the visual line between digital and actual skin has become seamlessly narrow, Luftrausers...
When you think of third-person shooters, it is hard not to immediately think back to Resident Evil 4 as being one of...
There have been some South Park games in the past, but none of them really made you feel like you were in...
I didn't know what to expect from a game called Drunken Robot Pornography (DRP). I suspected it might be based off of...
When I first started playing RageQuit’s multiplayer space shooter Strike Vector, I would fly to the edge of the map, park in...
Back In 1957, the USSR launched the Sputnik 2 into orbit. This was no surprise as it was when the space race...
I am an impostor. My friends, my family, even the people I meet day to day don’t know who I really am....
Long-time fans of adventure games know the name Tim Schafer and hold his work in high esteem. For years, they’ve been pining...
Combos, combo breakers, reversals, air reversals, quarter-circle forward fierce -- fighting games have become so obfuscated by increasingly complex controls and move...
Bringing classic gameplay back to life is a double-edged sword. The “Metroidvania” platformer enjoyed its heyday some 15-20 years ago when Super...
Every action has a consequence. In order to survive, we do what it takes -- even if that survival comes at a...
What is the meaning of life? Or death, for that matter? It’s the ultimate philosophical cliche. We strive for greatness -- or...
There are 75 million people registered in World of Tanks, with 1.1 million peak concurrent players. Let that number sink in -...
If there is one emotion that games can capture better than any other medium, it is wonder. What does that button do?...
In 2005, three games irrevocably altered the survival horror genre. Through the 90s and early 2000s, survival horror had essentially followed the...
David Roberts did our original review of XCOM: Enemy Unknown on the PC, and I played it on the Xbox 360. I...
Once in a while, a game comes along that completely blows you off your lid. The credits roll, and your mouth still...
I’ve restarted this review about three times now because I’ve yet to find an adequate way to compose the conflicting emotions and...
Although die-hard horror fans will argue that it never truly went away, the genre seems to have made a resurgence in recent...
There’s something special about a good B movie. You know the type--that kind of hugely ambitious movie that clearly escaped the director’s...
The Battlefield franchise has a history of setting the standard for squad-based multiplayer gameplay. With Battlefield 4, DICE has done it again,...
A great many games have arisen from the playtime juggernaut that is LEGO, with some classics (remember LEGO Island?) and some that...
“Auuuggghh, I’m so close! Maybe I’ll just set it down for a little while, then come back to it.” This is a...
Tower defense games have been a gaming staple for years now, and Kuno Interactive’s Defense Technica bills itself as the “the next...
The early days of gaming are littered with unexplained, hyper-violent death romps through space a factory a space factory, with the player...
I began to teach myself how to play guitar about fifteen years ago, following along with some of my favorite bands and...
Daedalic Entertainment, a German developer based out of Hamburg, has been putting together some pretty serious (in terms of quality, not tone)...
Okay, so here’s the thing: I don’t really like Point-and-Click adventure games. Maybe it’s because I never played Zork, or any of...
Airship Dragoon is a turn-based strategy game that takes place in the steampunk land of Pangaea. Players must strategically conquer the land...
To define Prime World as a MOBA would be an extreme over-simplification. Developed by Nival, Prime World offers lasting hero development like...