The MechWarrior Online founders' program, known as Operation Inception, is now available for purchase. With three different levels of support being offered, gamers...
The Doom 3 BFG Edition, featuring remastered versions of Doom 3 and the Resurrection of Evil expansion pack as well as 7 new levels...
Quantum Conundrum is looking more and more like a must-have game, and you can in fact have this game in just a...
One day before the release of the first full Civilization V expansion Gods & Kings, Firaxis developers Dennis Shirk and Ed Beach...
While reminiscing about the venerable Ultima franchise from Origin Systems, most long-time gamers will remember leading the Avatar on a quest to...
Even if you aren't a giant mech fan, you'll still have to admit that these screenshots for Adhesive Games' inaugural title Hawken...
The first time I heard about Inversion, the gravity-bending third-person shooter from Saber Interactive, I thought to myself, "Huh, that could be...
At first I was skeptical when they announced a Spider-Man remake so close to the previous trilogy. But I have to admit,...
Sure the 2011-2012 NHL season just ended this week, and the LA Kings are your new Stanley Cup Champions. But that doesn't...
No, I can assure you, Mitsuru-senpai, that if I ever mash 'C' and 'D' at the moment required to hip check my...
Can you believe it's been almost ten years since SimCity 4? There's an entire generation of elite Modern Warfare players out there...
Excited about the upcoming football season? Can't wait to see what changes EA has in store for NCAA Football 13. Well you...
Battlefield 3 players were recently given the "option" to purchase Battlefield Premium for $49. This is a good deal if you plan...
We gamers aren't exactly known for athleticism, but I'm pretty sure I could compete in this year's Olympics--- in video game form,...
If you followed E3 at all (or caught up here if you missed it), chances are you got a look at Assassin's...
The expansion pack for Civilization V, Gods & Kings, is set to release in less than a week. To help give gamers...
To go along with our LOTRO Riders of Rohan coverage from E3, we also have some screens and video for the title. ...
It's no secret that Sony is attempting to cash in on the mascot Smash Bros formula with Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale,...
Strategy Role Playing fans have a new PSP game available to them today called Gungnir. Which is a part of The Dept....
Does the end of E3 have you feeling a little down? E3 might be over, but that doesn't mean the end of...
If you are a gamer and a Star Wars fan, then you have no doubt been curious about Star Wars 1313. This...
The support for Diablo 3 continues to roll out. Blizzard has gone ahead with a preview of some of the upcoming changes...
Is it possible to travel back in time and kill your own grandmother in her infancy? Frankly, I'm not sure what would...
The newest Call of Duty title is going off-rails for its latest iteration, Black Ops II . The single-player campaign will give...
Bohemia Interactive, the development studio behind the Arma series, have announced a new DLC release for Arma 2. The new content, Army of...
At Sony's E3 press conference they unveiled their new Wonderbook peripheral. The Wonderbook works with the Playstation Move to bring books to...
Kratos is set to return to the PS3 once again later this year with God of War Ascension. This time around the...
If you are looking for some violent action, but can't wait for Grand Theft Auto 5 or want a change of scenery,...
I've got a sweet collection of 37 new screenshots for Dishonored from E3, and man do they look good. Showing off all...
If I asked you to name a Nintendo franchise, Mario is probably one of the first names you'd think of. Nintendo knows...
Did you catch the new episode of Threediots on TV last week? Neither did I. That's because Threediots isn't actually a show...