Browser-based MMO Naruto Saga has just gone into open beta today. Anyone interested in embarking on an epic journey that follows fan...
Everyone who preorders Titanfall, the first person robo-parkour foray exclusive to Microsoft, will get a spiffy poster of the Atlas titan along...
There are two kinds of games that there can never be enough of: sandbox-style games that let you explore a vast world,...
Trivia game YOU DON'T KNOW JACK originally launched 18 years ago and to celebrate the odd milestone the developer is re-issuing the...
Ubisoft San Francisco has announced that Iron Maiden is coming to Rocksmith 2014! This morning they've released a pack with five of...
DC Universes' comic series, Infinite Crisis, is getting a free-to-play MOBA later this year, and Harley Quinn has just been announced as a...
Christmas comes in November for Call of Duty fans with these new screenshots from the multi-platform blockbuster! Current-gen: [gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="131982,131983,131984,131985,131986,131987,131988,131989,131990"]...
The team at Funcom are getting ready for their closed beta test for their upcoming LEGO Minifigures Online game. Today they opened...
Grab your tickets, and secure your penguins, Linux users are coming down to the Metro. Previously available only to the glorious PC...
The teams at EA and Ghost Games have announced that they are getting their racer Need for Speed Rivals to the finish...
In just a few days you'll be able to get your hands on Call of Duty: Ghosts for current-gen platforms, with the...
The return of the old-school, CD-ROM pioneering adventure game is upon us. Last month I gleefully reported that a new Kickstarter from...
Outlast's recently announced DLC officially has a name. Titled Whistleblower, the add-on puts you in the role of the whistleblower (!) whose...
Do you love to, I don't know, die repeatedly? If so, then I have a game for you! Namco Bandai has announced...
God I hate you Kenny. We've got a new video for South Park: the Stick of Truth encouraging us to visit the...
Call of Duty: Ghosts is just around the corner (as are our reviews of it on multiple platforms), and this morning we've...
Being pretty much the only person on my XBL friends list (of 100) that has played Halo: Spartan Assault on not one,...
Anybody who reads this site knows if there's one thing the GamingTrend staff loves, it's giant freakin' robots. Happily, the folks over...
First I'll say that, having met a great many of them in person, my heart goes out to the folks from Victory...
You may have noticed (and I'm not sure how you'd miss it) that we've got a review up for Assassin's Creed IV...
Today Red Barrel announced that they will be bringing some terrifying DLC to their hit first-person horror experience, Outlast. This new DLC...
Over the past two decades, the Need for Speed franchise helped define arcade racing and brought us both some very compelling games...
Alright, Battlefield fans, the moment you've been waiting for is finally here. Battlefield 4 launches today, as a new era of chaos...
With All Hallow's Eve approaching, it's somewhat fitting that PC gamers will finally get access to one of the strangest, most impenetrable...
Telltale Games gave us a tease on Twitter today concerning a new season of The Walking Dead. They told their followers to...
It got leaked a little early, but now we have an official announcement trailer for the Extinction mode in Call of Duty:...
The highly-anticipated Burial at Sea DLC for Bioshock: Infinite will be submerging us in the world of Rapture on November 12th. The...
Considering its history, there was more than a little doubt towards the future of the Final Fantasy XIV MMORPG remake, subtitled “A...
EA Sports has released a new gameplay video for the next generation version of FIFA 14. Dubbed "FIFA 14 is Alive", the...
The idea of making a relevant mulitplayer exploration game is something that comes with a multitude of challenges. Shiro Games has decided...
There's an article floating out on the web that might just strike your fancy - it certainly struck ours. OMNI's Missions to the...