On August 25, during gamescom Opening Night Live, Coffee Stain Publishing and Iron Gate Studio announced through an animated trailer that Valheim's...
At gamescom 2021, Firaxis games, developers of the XCOM franchise, announced Marvel's Midnight Suns, a tactical RPG set in the "darker side...
Sifu, developer Sloclap's sophomore effort after their first hit, Absolver, received a release date today alongside a brand new trailer and pre-order...
Announced at gamescom 2021, Halo Infinite will arrive on Xbox consoles and PC December 8 after various Infinite-themed limited edition accessories and...
Genshin Impact received a trailer for Aloy and a preview for the concert Melodies of an Endless Journey. Aloy from Horizon Zero...
We've been getting news upon news for the latest entry in the Call Of Duty series, and that's not a bad thing....
Blood Hunt received a trailer for the clan Toreador today at Gamescom. Early access starts September 7. According to Sharkmob, At first...
The Outlast Trials received a gameplay trailer at Gamescom today. The game will be released in 2022. According to Red Barrel, Set...
Saints Row received a new trailer today at Gamescom. The game will be released February 25, 2022. Players build up their criminal...
Following the classic trope of an unlikely team-up against a larger threat, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes trailer showcases the...
On August 24, Raven Software, one of the many developers working on the Call of Duty franchise, banned over 100,000 Call of...
If you happened to catch our recent review of Psychonauts 2, you saw that we liked it - a lot. We stated:...
It's no secret that Little Nightmares II has been one of my favorite releases of 2021 so far, so imagine my excitement...
A recent cutscene released by Marvel from their upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game showed a new character named the Grand Unifier...
Behind the Frame, the gorgeous story of an artist attempting to complete the final piece of her art gallery submission, launches today...
On August 24, Bungie hosted its Destiny Showcase revealing Destiny 2's future DLC, The Witch Queen, as well as new features coming...
Hot off the heels of an amazing series of releases for The Sims 4, EA just announced a new kit called The...
For the first time in the popular series' history, a Crusader Kings game is heading to consoles! Crusader Kings III will launch...
AtGames has been on a roll the past couple of years with their ever growing line of home arcade products. From the...
NVIDIA is prepping for the holiday season, and they've got three games in the pipe that'll ship with GeForce RTX enhancements --...
GreenBoy Games, best known for continuing to create and release brand new, original, Game Boy games, has announced a sequel to their...
Arcade1Up, well known for their 3/4th scale home arcade systems, has announced that they are now venturing into creating child versions of...
Are you a Zelda fan but tired of the increasingly long waits between entries? Well you're in luck! Assemble Entertainment and Tiny...
Lupin the 3rd, the beloved anime series, will be receiving a tabletop RPG and an artbook due to a new deal signed...
Line Games has released a teaser website and multiple trailers, including one detailing general gameplay and another covering character skills, for their...
Neptunia Virtual Stars today added DLCs featuring the Vtubers Kizuna AI and Towa Kiseki. Kizuna AI DLCs Character and Story Vtuber Accessories,...
The Elder Scrolls Online is releasing their Waking Flame DLC today, August 23rd. This is all part of the Gates of Oblivion...
Magnetic Press and TMS Entertainment today announced Lupin the 3rd TTRPG and art book. According to Magnetic Press, the TTRPG will "give...
Minecraft Dungeons, the dungeon-crawler spinoff from the original, is headed to Steam where it will arrive on September 22. Two editions will...
On August 23, a day before Bungie's Destiny Showcase, Destiny 2 posted a teaser for the coming event that officially revealed the...
After about a year and a half in early access, Curve Digital's Embr will come to PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo...