For better or for worse, The Dragon Ball Z series has been a popular anime series. With crazy characters and over-the-top fight...
Time seems to be the universal standard to how good a game actually is. Will you be telling your friends about your...
Years ago I spent much of my time wandering the island of vvardenfell in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, and my obsession...
When first I received a copy of Divinity Anthology, I was fairly excited about it. I'd just had a fantastic experience...
Vibrant pastel colors. Goofy, effervescent charm. A fat, squishy puff-ball wearing a sumo diaper. At first glance, Crashmo appears innocent enough, lowering...
Suda 51, and to a larger extent, Grasshopper Manufacture, are responsible for some of the most crazy, what-the-hell-did-I-just-play games in this console...
Planetside 2's existence is nothing short of incredible. That's going to sound like hyperbole, but as a life-long gamer I'm just stating...
At the outset of any console launch, players are likely to be surrounded by a glut of shovelware – ports or half-baked...
I always knew it on an intellectual level, but it never really struck me until this week: Bioware has been making great...
Mass Effect 2 has always been the Empire Strikes Back of the series for me, so I was ecstatic when I heard...
The multiplayer online battle arena genre (or MOBA) has been a phenomenon almost exclusive to PCs since it debuted in Defense of...
I’ll admit that Far Cry 2 didn’t really spin my crank. While I enjoyed the open African savanna setting, the game just...
When Stardock's Elemental: War of Magic flopped onto the market in 2010 the general consensus was that beneath the game-breaking bugs and...
Chaos on Deponia is turning out to be one of the most unique games I've ever had to write a review for....
The Call of Duty brand is synonymous with hard-core gaming. The very name conjures up images of extremely dedicated players who participate...
Licensed games get a bad rap. You take a popular intellectual property like a hot summer blockbuster or popular kid's show, throw...
Let's face it: it's not easy making an expansion for a pay-to-play MMO nowadays. Free to play is the new normal, so...
Atlus has a history of supporting the PSP with the original Persona series. The first two PS1 Persona games were enhanced...
Agent 47 has suffered in his life. From his vile creation and eventual torture at the hands of Dr. Ort-Meyer to the...
Another year, another Call of Duty game; Its been proven time and time again that the yearly release cycle can make or...
Typically when playing a multiplayer game you have to maintain perspective of what's happening on the entire battlefield. Points to capture, teammates...
When does something go from being a legitimate form of entertainment to becoming an obvious cash in? How do you draw the...
Pid, or "planet in distress," has players take control of Kurt, a small boy who is stranded on a mysterious planet. In...
Gamers have a love/hate relationship with AAA franchises that release annual installments; On one hand its great to see more of something...
Like many gamers who played the first two episodes of Penny Arcade's On the Rain-slick Precipice of Darkness series, I was disappointed when...
iOS developers have done the word game to death. You can't flip a page in the app store without running into some...
With the launch of Riders of Rohan, Lord of the Rings Online has now seen four expansion packs. I have reviewed every...
The Just Dance series is no longer a newcomer to the dance game genre. It seems like it was just yesterday that...
If you read my preview for WWE ‘13, you know that I’m not a particularly big fan of professional wrestling. I don’t...
There is always a certain amount of trepidation amongst gamers when a beloved franchise switches hands. A few months before the release...
The Assassin's Creed series has become one of the biggest sellers for Ubisoft. The first game spawned tie-in games for the...