As the Earth is engulfed by a horrible virus called STROL, humanity scrambles to colonize Mars, establishing a new world on the...
I embarked on an unexpectedly charming adventure, crossing continents alongside characters such as Captain Jack Harkness, Toon Link and Zelda, and the...
Most VR games take themselves pretty seriously. Maybe it’s a creeping horror waiting around the corner ready to scare the piss out...
It seems to be on the forefront of every person’s mind that plays Portal Knights that it’s trying to be Minecraft. And...
Years ago, Shigeru Miyamoto had an interview with 4Gamer about the release of Pikmin 3. During that 2013 interview, he talked about...
Pacific Rim, MechWarrior, Robotech, Gundam, Heavy Gear, Front Mission, Armored Core, Virtual On, Steel Battalion -- the list goes on nearly forever...
Virtual reality is the next hot item in the gaming universe, but not all of us are so blessed to be able...
Minigolf, like pinball, is a drastically underserved genre. Thankfully we have Zen Studios to give us great games for both! After a...
Zombies. We have all heard of them, but these undead creatures have been overused and run into the ground due to...
Nearly 100 years ago, famed British explorer Percy Fawcett set out into the Amazon rainforest in search of the city of Z,...
Puzzle games were made for handhelds. Professor Layton, Zero Escape, and Box Boy are franchises that have thrived on (and in the...
There is no doubt that Vienna, Austria had an incredible art scene in the beginning of the 20th century. Artists such as...
I don’t watch a lot of horror movies - I try to avoid things that are going to send my blood pressure...
Nintendo could have easily pulled the 3D hardware out of the New 3DS XL, slapped a fresh coat of paint on it,...
With every release, Pathfinder becomes a more developed, complex, and involving game. Occult Adventures opened our minds to the unseen, Ultimate Intrigue...
By the end of every multiplayer match in Splatoon 2, I could feel my blood pumping with adrenaline. Even when being utterly...
With all the talk about Nindies and other smaller games on the eShop, Rayark Games is the best example of a great...
It can be a challenge for game designers to make a short civilization game. A great civilization game makes you feel like...
Matt Welsh, Editor As The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s first DLC pack, The Master Trials excellently capitalizes on the...
Sub-games have been a staple of the Kirby series ever since 1993’s Kirby’s Adventure. When you get a Kirby game, even a...
The HTC Vive has had its fair share of decent shooters from smaller developers, but I was excited to see what one...
I’m secretly convinced that Nintendo wants us to break every relationship in our lives. While games like Mario Kart and Mario Party...
The concept of Serial Cleaner had me hooked immediately--cleaning up murder scenes in a fun 1970s aesthetic? Yes please! However, I did...
The poorly lit catacomb walls leave little room for escape. The narrow corridors come alive as spectral skeletons rise from the floor,...
Remastered games typically get a fresh look and an express ticket to the shelf with little else to show for their new...
I thought pretty much knew what I was getting into when I popped my copy of Ever Oasis into my 3DS. Cute...
“Save the girl.” This is your only instruction when Get Even begins. You play as Cole Black, an amnesiac who wakes...
Visit any major city, and you can marvel at impressive buildings that stretch up to the clouds. At the turn of the...
Games have been relying on user-created content for years now with games like LittleBigPlanet and Super Mario Maker making a killing off...
It is rare for a modern JRPG to stray too far from the formula, and the result is a stagnation that is...
There are two universal languages in the world: mathematics and music. In Japan, Vocaloid has made thousands of songs using synthetic voices...