When Bethesda Game Studios announced Creation Club for Skyrim and Fallout 4 at E3 2017, viewers across the globe cringed collectively (me...
Moving halfway across the country, having the movers do over $18,000 worth of damage to my personal effects, selling my old house...
This is it — the final list of 2015. After countless hours of deliberations (which you can listen to here), our team...
Up until this year, the current console generation has had a slow start. While there have been some impressive titles across all...
This was a banner year for gaming. From the dark alleys of Yharnam to the farthest reaches of space, from hidden ancient...
Travis Northup’s Objectively Correct Top Ten Games of 2015: 10. Destiny: The Taken King I’d be lying if I said that I always...
I’ve been exposed to tons of excellent games throughout the year, but in the end, it’s largely the indies that have my...
“There’s no way Bethesda is announcing Fallout 4 for this year. Every time they announce a new game we see it behind...