John Farrell
John Farrell is an affordable housing attorney living in West Chester Pennsylvania. He once travelled the weird west as Carrie A. Nation in Joker's Wild at:

With maps, tokens, adventure information, and instant communication, this reimagining of a classic comes to life with roll20, an online engine that gives players and DMs the tools they need to get into one of the best adventures to date.
by John Farrell
In a time rife with complex political properties owing their origins to nerd culture, the Expanse has been well poised to stake its claim on our hearts, mind, and time, and done so extremely well. What began as a collection of books has transformed into a television series, and now
by John Farrell
Solipstry RPG: a new approach to tabletop RPGs is an independent work that seeks to make its own way in the wide world of roleplay. Solipstry, defined on the first page as “A theory in philosophy that your own existence is the only thing that is real or can be
by John Farrell
Lounging languidly on your swaying palanquin, you anticipate the battle ahead. There will be blood, and oil, and ectoplasm, but none of it will be yours. You are merely an owner, taking pleasure and profit from the carnage below. If you play your cards right and build the best team,
by John Farrell
Purrrlock Holmes sets its aims high, attempting to straddle several lines that send similar games into well-known pitfalls. It tries to be a deduction game that is both cerebral and approachable. It tries to be semi-cooperative, encouraging players to work together but granting ultimate victory to a sole player. Most
by John Farrell
With every release, Pathfinder becomes a more developed, complex, and involving game. Occult Adventures opened our minds to the unseen, Ultimate Intrigue brought political complexity into the setting, and Bestiary 6 gave us all the weird we could ever need in a lifetime. Each of these releases threatened to be
by John Farrell
It is always encouraging to see new creators enter the fray. Whether it be in film, writing, or game design, their efforts are the lifeblood of industries that need new blood to keep from stagnating. The longer companies remain in the same design space, the more they risk becoming safe
by John Farrell
If you are a nerd in modern society, you owe Gary Gygax so much more than you probably know. He wasn’t just the father of Dungeons and Dragons, and by extension all tabletop RPGs, but those influences led directly to Final Fantasy, Game of Thrones, and even Legend of
by John Farrell