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Card Game

Card Game

Reviews   -   May 31, 2022 Satanimals review ⏤ Heck is other zookeepers
Satanimals review ⏤ Heck is other zookeepers

Have you ever considered a petting zoo, but demonic? This is the question that Satanimals asks. Satanimals is a light-hearted card game for 2-4 players by Marlon Fussell and published by Megamint Games. Players draw 3 cards at a time from a 3×3 queue of face up cards, then

News   -   May 24, 2022 Capstone Games announces Riftforce Beyond the expansion to Riftforce!
Capstone Games announces Riftforce Beyond the expansion to Riftforce!

Go beyond the Rift and discover a new plane of possibilities in Riftforce: Beyond! Experience Riftforce with a challenging solo mode or team up with your friends to fight together and control the Rift in epic three- or four-player games. 8 brand new guilds (for a total of 18 with

Marvel Remix review — Avengers, Assemble (a good hand)!
Reviews   -   Jun 06, 2022 Marvel Remix review — Avengers, Assemble (a good hand)!

Everyone has that group of friends where, no matter what, nobody can agree on a game to play. This game is too long, this game is too complicated, we have movie tickets for 7:00 and don’t want to be late. Well, Marvel Remix is here for those exact

by Adam Moreno
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Reviews   -   Jun 06, 2022 Marvel Remix review — Avengers, Assemble (a good hand)!
Marvel Remix review — Avengers, Assemble (a good hand)!

Everyone has that group of friends where, no matter what, nobody can agree on a game to play. This game is too long, this game is too complicated, we have movie tickets for 7:00 and don’t want to be late. Well, Marvel Remix is here for those exact

by Adam Moreno
Reviews   -   May 31, 2022 Satanimals review ⏤ Heck is other zookeepers
Satanimals review ⏤ Heck is other zookeepers

Have you ever considered a petting zoo, but demonic? This is the question that Satanimals asks. Satanimals is a light-hearted card game for 2-4 players by Marlon Fussell and published by Megamint Games. Players draw 3 cards at a time from a 3×3 queue of face up cards, then

by James van Tonningen
News   -   May 24, 2022 Capstone Games announces Riftforce Beyond the expansion to Riftforce!
Capstone Games announces Riftforce Beyond the expansion to Riftforce!

Go beyond the Rift and discover a new plane of possibilities in Riftforce: Beyond! Experience Riftforce with a challenging solo mode or team up with your friends to fight together and control the Rift in epic three- or four-player games. 8 brand new guilds (for a total of 18 with

by Rob Berg
Reviews   -   May 15, 2022 A Royal Will review – may the odds ever be in your favor!
A Royal Will review – may the odds ever be in your favor!

Throughout my life and experience with different types of aliens in all of sci-fi, I have found that when I think of alien high society I cannot help but picture how the show South Park presented alien high society/overlords using other planets as a reality tv type show. That

by Rob Berg
Reviews   -   May 12, 2022 Kardashev Scale review- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Galactic Civilization Building?
Kardashev Scale review- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Galactic Civilization Building?

Back in the 1960s, a Russian astronomer, named Nikolai Kardashev, came up with a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement based on the energy that civilization consumes. Ranking these civilizations into three different types, many different astronomers and astrophysicists have amended and advanced the theory over

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   May 12, 2022 Shards of Infinity Into the Horizon review — Chaos and destiny come to the shards
Shards of Infinity Into the Horizon review — Chaos and destiny come to the shards

When first looking at Shards of Infinity you might believe that it is a sci-fi reskin of Ascension. A couple of elements of Ascension are used in Shards of Infinity, like the center row, four factions, and champions that act similarly to constructs. Once you dig a little further you’

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   Apr 27, 2022 Senators review— et tu, olive?
Senators review— et tu, olive?

Personally, I don’t have anything against Senators- well actually, the card art that looks like ancient Roman themed stock photos is a bit of a turn off. It’s a perfectly fine set collection auction game, but for the life of me, I can not provide a reason for

by Nick Dubs
Reviews   -   Apr 12, 2022 Mystic Vale: Essential Edition review ⏤ A deck building game where you also build each individual card
Mystic Vale: Essential Edition review ⏤ A deck building game where you also build each individual card

Mystic Vale: Essential Edition is a 2-4 player game where players slowly modify their deck by modifying their very cards through see-through inserts that ‘over write’ the card through their so-called “Card Crafting System”. This Essential Edition contains the base game as well as the first three expansions, as well

by Eric Ace
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