At Gamingtrend, we love all sorts of games. That includes video games, table top games, and in today’s case: Pinball Machines! Editor in Chief, Ron Burke, and myself had the honor of talking to Zach Sharpe about Stern Pinball and their upcoming announcement for their newest Pinball Machine with a theme that will blow you out of the water. JAWS.

I play Pinball if it’s in front of me, but most would call me a newbie. Ron has much more experience at the table. So during this interview we came at it with both our experiences. Zach did a fabulous job talking me through what makes Stern Pinball standout while giving Ron some in depth answers as to how a great Pinball Machine is made.

Thank you to Zach and Stern Pinball for the interview and letting us in on their upcoming Jaws machine. Enjoy!

See also: Tech & Gear
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