October 26th is fast approaching and to celebrate, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy have released a new launch trailer. Appropriately set to...
Star-Lord Band has released their second single, Zero to Hero, along with a new animated music video! The 80’s inspired video is...
Cosmo, being the good boy that he is, has decided that we needed another cutscene to dissect while we eagerly await the...
A newly released trailer for the upcoming Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy highlights many of the upcoming release’s PC features, including high...
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy have released not one, but two new trailers highlighting the differences in leadership when in and out...
Let’s just say I’m really glad I have a killer pair of gaming headphones. Why, you ask? Well, when you start playing...
The much anticipated Guardians of the Galaxy released a new story trailer during today’s PlayStation showcase, highlighting more of the game’s humor,...
A recent cutscene released by Marvel from their upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy game showed a new character named the Grand Unifier...
NVIDIA is prepping for the holiday season, and they’ve got three games in the pipe that’ll ship with GeForce RTX enhancements —...
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy’s soundtrack will blend together music from three distinct sources: a six-hour orchestral score, a mixtape of licensed...
Are you ready for the October release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy? Eidos-Montreal just released a new developer diary featuring how...
Back in 2019 we were introduced to Crystal Dynamics version of Marvel’s Avengers, and there was a lot of division on the...