Bioware Showcases Dragon Age: Inqusition’s Dorian Dragon Age: Inqusition, Bioware’s third installment in the Dragon Age series, features many returning characters, but...
Bioware is preparing to blow the lid off of Dragon Age: Inquisition (I can’t wait to see this next week!), and today...
This week we’ve got a quick taste of five new screenshots for Dragon Age: Inquisition. This time we look at Therinfal Redoubt,...
We marvel at The Winter Palace in Dragon Age: Inquisition The team at Bioware has once again updated their official blog for...
Dragon Age Inquisition – Western Approach screens revealed Today we’ve gotten our hands on half a dozen new screenshots for the incredible...
Bioware is working on turning out a new Dragon Age game, and in case you’re wondering, it’s development just hit the alpha...
There was a lot of speculation that Dragon Age: Inquisition would slip to 2015, but I’m very happy to report that those...
As Bioware has been doing since its announcement, they have yet again provided an update on their upcoming Dragon Age installment, subtitled...
I absolutely LOVED Dragon Age: Origins. I wasn’t as blown away by Dragon Age II, but I did enjoy it quite a...
Normally a single screenshot is hardly newsworthy, but when it’s a screenshot from the Frostbite 3-powered Dragon Age: Inquisition it’s hard to...