Matt Welsh

Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash has all the markings of a great Mario sports title. Its easy controls and straightforward presentation mix perfectly with lighthearted, arcade-style gameplay to create an experience that is hugely appealing and hard to put down. Of all of Mario’s athletic ventures, tennis is the one
by Matt Welsh
The Legend of Zelda series is no stranger to spin-off titles, with each non-core entry having its own varying degrees of success. While the series is normally known for its lengthy, story-based adventures, Link has seen his fair share of side questing, whether it’s fighting hordes of enemies in
by Matt Welsh
The Battlefront beta has officially concluded, and we are once again left salivating over the thought of taking on Imperial scum. The beta provided us with a brief sample of the game’s epic moments, giving us a taste of what to expect in the full release while also helping
by Matt Welsh
Defeat was imminent. Despite my team’s best efforts, Imperial troops had continued to push forward. The snowy battlefields of Hoth had been littered with destroyed vehicles and defeated soldiers, but the enemy showed no signs of stopping. Airships soared overhead, keeping my team’s forces at bay. Our firepower
by Matt Welsh
It’s hard to believe that just over a decade ago, Tony Hawk was one of the biggest names in video games. The professional skateboarder had created a hit in the late ‘90s with his arcade-style extreme sports title, and each subsequent release for the next few years continued to
by Matt Welsh
I remember the joy, confusion and irritation of playing Monopoly as a young child. Despite the nebulous and convoluted interpretation of rules that kids play by, each game usually featured players secretly formulating their own strategies, trying to adapt to a changing board until an abrupt moment when a critical
by Matt Welsh
If you were to ask Nintendo fans what each of Super Mario’s classic 2D adventures mean to them, chances are you’d get a wide range of responses. Some people might reply that they love the simplified and not-yet-refined platforming of the original Super Mario Bros. Others may find
by Matt Welsh
It seems like games with old-fashioned, pixelated graphics are increasingly common these days. Games like Axiom Verge, Shovel Knight, and Super Time Force Ultra all feature old-school visual styles which aim to convey feelings of nostalgia for gaming’s simpler days. But while all of these titles succeed in creating
by Matt Welsh