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Matt Welsh

Number of Articles 77
Matt Welsh's Work 77 Articles
Reviews   -   Sep 13, 2016 A legendary look-alike: Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas review
A legendary look-alike: Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas review

Oceanhorn – Monster of Uncharted Seas is the type of game that so closely resembles another that you’d be excused for thinking it’s just a cheap knockoff. Borrowing the same look, feel and structure of old 2D Legend of Zelda games, Oceanhorn doesn’t hesitate in the slightest to

by Matt Welsh
Reviews   -   Aug 18, 2016 Not at full force: Metroid Prime: Federation Force review
Not at full force: Metroid Prime: Federation Force review

From the moment it was announced, Metroid Prime: Federation Force has been met with skepticism. Fans who had been clamoring for a traditional sequel to the normally-stoic Metroid series were understandably discouraged by this cutesy and colorful spin-off. It comes with great surprise, then, that Metroid Prime: Federation Force still

by Matt Welsh
Reviews   -   Aug 03, 2016 Great power, no responsibility: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle review
Great power, no responsibility: Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle review

As an avid comic book reader and a huge fan of Marvel’s costumed crime fighters, Activision’s pair of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance games have been some of my most beloved superhero games of the last decade. Crafted with the same sense of wonder and imagination that I love about

by Matt Welsh
Reviews   -   Jul 06, 2016 Thinking outside the box: BOXBOXBOY! review
Thinking outside the box: BOXBOXBOY! review

When I reviewed the original BOXBOY! last year, I praised the game for how it was able to build such complex puzzles out of a simple concept. Easy to learn while still boasting a satisfying difficulty spike, BOXBOY! was an approachable experience with a surprising amount of mileage to it.

by Matt Welsh
Previews   -   Jun 19, 2016 Taking crazy pills: We Happy Few preview
Taking crazy pills: We Happy Few preview

“Happy people have no history.” – Leo Tolstoy This chilling quote opens the We Happy Few demo and immediately sets the tone for what is shaping up to be one of the most shocking and narratively brutal games I’ve seen in years. We Happy Few tells a twisted tale of

by Matt Welsh
Previews   -   Jun 17, 2016 The platforming revival you’ve been waiting for: Yooka-Laylee preview
The platforming revival you’ve been waiting for: Yooka-Laylee preview

Since 2000, I’ve been anxiously awaiting another Banjo-Kazooie platformer. As a series that helped define my early gaming years, Rare’s pair of Nintendo 64 collect-a-thons enthralled me with their wonderful character design, impeccable platforming, and memorable soundtrack. And while 2008’s Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts was a great

by Matt Welsh
Previews   -   Jun 14, 2016 Team-based precision in an exciting open world: Ghost Recon Wildlands preview
Team-based precision in an exciting open world: Ghost Recon Wildlands preview

Ghost Recon: Wildlands feels like a liberating evolution of the Tom Clancy series’ mission-based structure. It retains familiar themes of the series – preparation, teamwork, and stealth – while opening the possibilities even further with its open world adventure through San Mateo. After getting some hands-on time with the co-op E3 demo,

by Matt Welsh
Reviews   -   May 31, 2016 Bummer, dude: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan review
Bummer, dude: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is a game which seems appealing on its surface, but one that I enjoyed considerably less each time I played. A visually-attractive four-player hack-and-slash by one of the action genre’s most prized developers, Mutants in Manhattan has a solid foundation for what

by Matt Welsh
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