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Matt Welsh

Number of Articles 77
Matt Welsh's Work 77 Articles
Features   -   Nov 19, 2014 8 Franchises that would make great LEGO games

When the original LEGO Star Wars hit store shelves in 2005, no one really knew what to expect.  LEGO had long been a toyline that many people had fond memories of playing with in their childhood, but how would a LEGO video game work?  It turned out that not only

by Matt Welsh
Features   -   Nov 12, 2014 A look back at PS4’s first year of PlayStation Plus

Last June, at a crowded venue in Los Angeles, Sony was prepared to hold its E3 press conference and finally give some concrete details about the debut of PlayStation 4.  The console’s announcement had already taken place a few months prior, but gamers were still left wondering about specifics,

by Matt Welsh
Reviews   -   Nov 11, 2014 A bit of a drag — Chariot Review
A bit of a drag — Chariot Review

The platforming genre was what defined my early childhood.  I have some fond memories of playing each and every Super Mario Bros. game all the way to completion.  It’s a shame that the genre has mostly lost its prominence in today’s gaming landscape.  Sure, games like Rayman Legends

by Matt Welsh
Features   -   Oct 29, 2014 Marvel, let’s see a unified video game universe
Marvel, let’s see a unified video game universe

These days, it seems like Marvel Studios is unstoppable.  The movie studio that brought Iron Man, Captain America and The Avengers to the big screen continues to release one amazing film after another.  What’s even more incredible is that with each new film, Marvel not only makes a fortune,

by Matt Welsh
Features   -   Oct 20, 2014 4 great reasons to keep your last-gen consoles hooked up this fall
4 great reasons to keep your last-gen consoles hooked up this fall

It’s hard to believe that it has been almost a year since the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launched.  As these young consoles enter their second holiday season on the market, the game libraries on Sony and Microsoft’s new machines look to add some amazing new games.  The

by Matt Welsh
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