2008 was a pretty good year for the independent market. Not only were the critically acclaimed hits World of Goo and Braid released, but small oddities like Rom Check Fail and I Wish I Were the Moon were developed as well. Lost in the shuffle was Noitu Love: Devolution, the
The Ace Attorney series has one of the worst pitches for a game of all time: Let’s make a game where the player takes on the role of a defense attorney and takes part in legal deliberations. It’s seriously just an awful premise. And yet, despite that, each
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past opens with a sense of anticipation. “The entire world is just this little island,” a cheerful old woman says, as you look at a vast, empty ocean, broken only by one tiny island. You can’t help but feel excited by the
Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past opens with a sense of anticipation. “The entire world is just this little island,” a cheerful old woman says, as you look at a vast, empty ocean, broken only by one tiny island. You can’t help but feel excited by the
2008 was a pretty good year for the independent market. Not only were the critically acclaimed hits World of Goo and Braid released, but small oddities like Rom Check Fail and I Wish I Were the Moon were developed as well. Lost in the shuffle was Noitu Love: Devolution, the
The Ace Attorney series has one of the worst pitches for a game of all time: Let’s make a game where the player takes on the role of a defense attorney and takes part in legal deliberations. It’s seriously just an awful premise. And yet, despite that, each
From the moment it was announced, Metroid Prime: Federation Force has been met with skepticism. Fans who had been clamoring for a traditional sequel to the normally-stoic Metroid series were understandably discouraged by this cutesy and colorful spin-off. It comes with great surprise, then, that Metroid Prime: Federation Force still
Recently announced at E3, 13 AM Games will release retail versions of the independently created Runbow this fall. Runbow Deluxe and Runbow Pocket, for the Wii U and New 3DS respectively, are based off of the original eShop release and will include a few extras not seen in the initial
Other than turn-based RPGs, puzzle games have been a genre that has thrived on the 3DS in recent years. While the handheld has seen the resolution of the popular Professor Layton series, it’s also been the home of refreshing games like Virtue’s Last Reward and Box Boy, a
When I reviewed the original BOXBOY! last year, I praised the game for how it was able to build such complex puzzles out of a simple concept. Easy to learn while still boasting a satisfying difficulty spike, BOXBOY! was an approachable experience with a surprising amount of mileage to it.
It’s rare to see a game take as many chances in its concluding chapters like Zero Time Dilemma does. For a game with two predecessors’ worth of required reading to appreciate, there’s a great deal of new characters, timeline layouts, and even a switch from mostly text to