Button Shy Games recently unveiled its newest Kickstarter for the light card game Tussie Mussie, which has already reached its $1000 goal before its June 8 deadline. The game will allow one to four players to share flower cards amongst themselves in a lighthearted point competition.
Coming from an era
Tabletop company Eldritch Foundry recently released details for its new Kickstarter campaign, which runs until June 8. The company plans to revolutionize the custom miniature design process, with Eldritch Foundry working with local stores in order to design these items.
Beholden to the gods of dice and dungeons, Eldritch Foundry
Pharaoh’s Pyramid, the next expansion for Sailing Toward Osiris after the Governors & Envoys, has officially hit Kickstarter. This expansion will include new cards, a major new mechanic, a new type of “credit”, and more.
Return to the Land of Egypt …where Pharaoh’s funeral barge sails down the
Pharaoh’s Pyramid, the next expansion for Sailing Toward Osiris after the Governors & Envoys, has officially hit Kickstarter. This expansion will include new cards, a major new mechanic, a new type of “credit”, and more.
Return to the Land of Egypt …where Pharaoh’s funeral barge sails down the
Button Shy Games recently unveiled its newest Kickstarter for the light card game Tussie Mussie, which has already reached its $1000 goal before its June 8 deadline. The game will allow one to four players to share flower cards amongst themselves in a lighthearted point competition.
Coming from an era
Tabletop company Eldritch Foundry recently released details for its new Kickstarter campaign, which runs until June 8. The company plans to revolutionize the custom miniature design process, with Eldritch Foundry working with local stores in order to design these items.
Beholden to the gods of dice and dungeons, Eldritch Foundry
Tabletop games were the basis for early video games whether it comes to RPGs, or even electronic adaptations of family games such as Monopoly. Recently, we’ve entered a new era of tabletop gaming, and through this surge of popularity we’ve come full circle and are now seeing several
Portable gaming environment company GAEMS has recently announced its newest crowdfunding campaign for the upcoming Guardian unit, with a goal of $100,000 to be reached by this June. The Guardian will come with an improved space for gamers to reliably take their consoles on the go, and those who
Comedy-focused RTS Kofi Quest: Alpha Mod from Loftur has recently started its Kickstarter campaign for an official launch later this year. If successful, the game will be released on Steam in Q4 2019 with a Nintendo Switch port planned for 2020.
Kofi Quest: Alpha MOD is a not-so-serious adventure that
Nord Games today began their Kickstarter campaign for their next resource guide for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed. This resource guide will contain over 130 new monsters, unique stat blocks, and dozens of high-quality art pieces.
MASTER THE ACCURSED! Ultimate Bestiary: The Dreaded Accursed is
Earlier this week, Master Monk started their Kickstarter for The Nomad’s Magnetic Dice Tower, a solid wood tower designed for easy one-handed random dice rolls. With 37 days to go, Nomad’s Magnetic Dice Towers has already hit its goal of $10,000 with new wood options and inlays