Josh Devlin

Batman: The Enemy Within’s first episode has very little connection to the first season. Aside from a few in-game trinkets, it’s very much its own story. We’re introduced to new characters and develop interesting relationships along the way. It’s a concise and well-paced tale that wraps
by Josh Devlin
It’s summertime! School is almost back in session. And the world over is experiencing some of the hottest days on record. Why spend your last couple weeks baking on golden sand or boiling in a overheated pool? Stay indoors. Play video games. You’ll be glad you did. Josh
by Josh Devlin
Comic-Con 2017 is in full swing. So, while San Diego is inundated with comic book fans, movie buffs, gamers, cosplayers and geeks from all over the world, some of us will be at home playing video games. Here’s what the GT staff is up to. Josh Devlin – Editor and
by Josh Devlin
Prime Day, 7/11, and Net Neutrality was on a lot of people’s minds this week (well, the new Final Fantasy XII remaster was also on Ron’s mind this week too). That said, it’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday, so let’s take a gander
by Josh Devlin
The week is almost over. Many of us have toiled away at our jobs for five whole days. We fought and clawed our ways out of the pits of the week, all so that we could reach this glorious day. Friday! And with that comes the glorious prospect of playing
by Josh Devlin
It’s the weekend before the Fourth of July, so happy Fourth of July, everyone! In the movie Independence Day, before the menacing aliens were about to decimate the Earth and all of its inhabitants, President Bill Pullman said, “we will not go quietly into the night!” After years of
by Josh Devlin
Thank god it’s Friday! Remember when those words meant Tim “the Toolman” Taylor and Steve Urkel were going to delight your family with their hilarious antics? Well, not anymore! Now, TGIF means it’s time to play some video games, and what better way to kick it off than
by Josh Devlin
It’s not a good sign when the idea of picking up a controller to play a video game is accompanied by a groan of discontent. I’ll be blunt. I did not enjoy my time with Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom. The map design is convoluted and frustrating to navigate.
by Josh Devlin