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Elisha Deogracias's Work 2949 Articles
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 Move out the way as Jack Move heads to PC and Switch next year, demo available next week
Move out the way as Jack Move heads to PC and Switch next year, demo available next week

So Romantic has revealed that it will release the cyberpunk RPG Jack Move onto Steam and Nintendo Switch next year. The game is an homage to Japanese-style RPGs with a gritty cyberpunk story, and aims to make the game a tight 8-10 hour experience for those who want a more

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 There’s more to luv as Muv-Luv developers announce Muv-Luv expo next month
There’s more to luv as Muv-Luv developers announce Muv-Luv expo next month

Are you ready for visual novel bliss? aNCHOR has announced that it will reveal new games soon, with a full reveal on July 1 as part of Muv-Luv Expo. The projects mentioned include Project Immortal and Project MIKHAIL, which will have more details announced later. aNCHOR, the people behind Muv-Luv,

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 I fell in love with a wall as Miden Tower is available on Switch this month
I fell in love with a wall as Miden Tower is available on Switch this month

Today, KEMCO announced that it will release its turn-based RPG Miden Tower on June 25 for the Nintendo Switch. The game will follow a line of KEMCO releases as players will help a heroine who happens to be a wall. Miden Tower is a fantasy RPG with a compelling and

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 Let’s get stuffed as Bugsnax comes to PlayStation systems and PC this holiday
Let’s get stuffed as Bugsnax comes to PlayStation systems and PC this holiday

I’ve got the horses in the back as Young Horses announced that it’s currently developing the quirky game Bugsnax for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC this holiday season. The game will have you control an eccentric species as you explore the mysteries of a place called Snaktooth

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 An indie deserving of the physical treatment, Super Rare Games to release Graceful Explosion Machine next week
An indie deserving of the physical treatment, Super Rare Games to release Graceful Explosion Machine next week

Today, independent publisher Super Rare Games announced that it will release Vetex Pop’s indie arcade shooter Graceful Explosion Machine on June 18. This release will be limited to 4,000 units and will include some extra goodies to sweeten the deal. Skillfully pilot the Graceful Explosion Machine, a fighter

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 Does your classmate want to eat your pancreas? At Night, I Become a Monster is available now
Does your classmate want to eat your pancreas? At Night, I Become a Monster is available now

Seven Seas has just announced the western release of Yoru Sumino’s novel At Night, I Become a Monster digitally and physically, which is available today. From the author of I Want to Eat Your Pancreas, this story chronicles a peculiar relationship between a monstrous boy and a someone who

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 It’s a hit, man! Hitman 3 finishes the World of Assassination trilogy this January
It’s a hit, man! Hitman 3 finishes the World of Assassination trilogy this January

It might be Agent 47’s final blaze of glory as IO Interactive announced that it will release Hitman 3 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC this January. This will wrap up the World of Assassination trilogy that began with 2016’s Hitman, and

by Elisha Deogracias
News   -   Jun 12, 2020 Time to face the Kaiju as 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim to be released this September
Time to face the Kaiju as 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim to be released this September

Today, Atlus and Vanillaware announced that the action-adventure game 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim will be available on September 8 for the PlayStation 4. The game will allow players to control a variety of characters in a mix of adventure and combat. Vanillaware,the storytellers behind Odin Sphere and Dragon’s

by Elisha Deogracias
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