Rejoice, the path to Middle-earth has opened for new adventurers. On May 9th, 2023, Free League Publishing released the 5E adaptation of the award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ RPG, entitled The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying.
Together, you are entering the Lone-lands of Eriador. It is here that
Renegade Game Studios announced they are finally introducing Werewolf: The Apocalypse to the 5th Edition series of The World of Darkness core games coming after Vampire: The Masquerade and Hunter: The Reckoning. Werewolf: The Apocalypse is a welcome addition to the series and will excite long-time Werewolf fans.
The World
On May 9th, 2023, Critical Role, a leader in innovative storytelling, released the official trailer for Candela Obscura, an original horror TTRPG series running on Darrington Press’s Illuminated Worlds System, set to premiere May 25.
Candela Obscura is an ongoing monthly horror drama that follows an esoteric order of
On May 9th, 2023, Critical Role, a leader in innovative storytelling, released the official trailer for Candela Obscura, an original horror TTRPG series running on Darrington Press’s Illuminated Worlds System, set to premiere May 25.
Candela Obscura is an ongoing monthly horror drama that follows an esoteric order of
Rejoice, the path to Middle-earth has opened for new adventurers. On May 9th, 2023, Free League Publishing released the 5E adaptation of the award-winning second edition of The One Ring™ RPG, entitled The Lord of the Rings™ Roleplaying.
Together, you are entering the Lone-lands of Eriador. It is here that
Renegade Game Studios announced they are finally introducing Werewolf: The Apocalypse to the 5th Edition series of The World of Darkness core games coming after Vampire: The Masquerade and Hunter: The Reckoning. Werewolf: The Apocalypse is a welcome addition to the series and will excite long-time Werewolf fans.
The World
The Lord of the Rings Roleplaying is set to release on May 9th, 2023 and features a 236-page hardback volume containing all that players will need to create 5E adventures, a Loremaster’s screen, a 104-page hardback volume named Shire Adventures including five short adventures and seven pre-generated characters, and
2023 is an exciting year for Beadle & Grimm’s as they announced new products and plans for the upcoming year. They began by announcing Phandelver & Below and Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse products are currently being worked on. Next, those awaiting the DM Vault for Keys to the
Dungeons and Dragon’s popularity and reach continue to grow every year. Today, the D&D Direct unveiled exciting news and collaborations for fans of the role-playing game. There is a lot of information from today’s announcements, so grab some snacks, and let’s get started:
Minecraft x
When Gooey Cube revealed themselves to the world at Gen Con in 2019, nobody was quite prepared for how lush and dense the Fifth Edition campaign setting The Wy’rded World of Zyathé would become. Now they are back with a new Kickstarter, offering their trademark premium game experiences in
Free League Publishing has announced that the Kickstarter for the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game is now live. While the game has already reached its initial funding goal, there is a wide range of stretch goals and bonus items to unlock. You can learn more below:
New York,