Dan Hinkin
An educator and tabletop game lover.

GamingTrend was able to preview the upcoming game from Lime Green Games full of card drafting, combos, and fish.
by Dan Hinkin
My wife and I love different foods from around the world. From Korean to Mediterranean to Jamaican, we try to find new local places and look for upscaled versions when we travel. One of our favorites is the cuisine from India and we have been working our way through some
by Dan Hinkin
Launching on Kickstarter January 7th, 2025, Golem Run is a betting, trick-taking, and racing manipulation game from Dragon Dawn Productions. Set in the same universe as previously published games Justice and Factory 42, the dwarves of Odrixia are out to see the Golem races where betting on the contestants and
by Dan Hinkin
A few years ago, as my students and I were discussing issues they were concerned with, one of my students blurted out, “Save the Turtles!” The result of a trend on social media, I spent the next few weeks discussing and diving into the issue of ocean conservation. Around this
by Dan Hinkin
I corrupted my wife into modern board gaming quickly while we were dating. In her family, she grew up letting other people win so people would play with her and now a maniacal grin crosses her face when she realizes she makes a tactical and well planned move, regardless of
by Dan Hinkin
Lord of the Rings will always hold a special place in my heart. From the first time I read the trilogy in middle school, or watched the movies for the first, or 30th, time, or introducing the world to my students and family, there is something timeless about the story
by Dan Hinkin
I’ve been soured on prison themed games in the past. Whether it was the basic gameplay or the over the top stereotypes, I’ve just been turned off to the theme. When Animalcatraz came across my radar, I had some preconceived notions of what it may be. I was
by Dan Hinkin
In the land of Vigil, the Muses of Malevolence are threatening the world and a new era of heroes must step up to defeat them. Along their path, legendary heroes from the pantheon of Ascension have returned to guide their way and offer assistance. Who will earn the most honor
by Dan Hinkin