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Orichalcum Pictures announced that it will release its VR adventure game Ryte: The Eye of Atlantis for Steam VR and Oculus headsets on December 8. The game will allow players to solve puzzles and explore the wonderful mythos of Greek and figures. Orichalcum Pictures, a hybrid production company and non-profit
Independent developer Played With Fire announced that its VR adventure game Stargaze will be available on November 20 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. The game will allow players to explore the skies and manipulate a telescope to see some otherworldly events. Stargaze is
I’ve always seen Thief Simulator (2018) as being a strange game. It was unique enough to stand out, but it didn’t have enough gameplay elements to keep me reeled in. After maybe 5 hours of playtime, I put that game down and never looked at it again. It
by Ben LombardoI’ve always seen Thief Simulator (2018) as being a strange game. It was unique enough to stand out, but it didn’t have enough gameplay elements to keep me reeled in. After maybe 5 hours of playtime, I put that game down and never looked at it again. It
by Ben LombardoOrichalcum Pictures announced that it will release its VR adventure game Ryte: The Eye of Atlantis for Steam VR and Oculus headsets on December 8. The game will allow players to solve puzzles and explore the wonderful mythos of Greek and figures. Orichalcum Pictures, a hybrid production company and non-profit
by Elisha DeograciasIndependent developer Played With Fire announced that its VR adventure game Stargaze will be available on November 20 for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. The game will allow players to explore the skies and manipulate a telescope to see some otherworldly events. Stargaze is
by Elisha DeograciasToday, Ubisoft announced that it will release its newest VR title, AGOS: A Game of Space, onto Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Valve Index VR headests on October 28. In a surprising twist of events, you will control an AI that will guide survivors into crossing an experience that’s
by Elisha DeograciasVirtual Reality embraces two genres extraordinarily well — horror, and the service industry. We are never as deeply immersed as when we are scared or flipping burgers and cleaning. Cook-Out: A Sandwich Tale jumps on the latter, letting players battle the likes of rye bread, mayo, and grilled pumpkin slices. It’
by Ron BurkeToday, Respawn Entertainment released a new trailer for its upcoming VR game Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond, which will take players on a single-player campaign across World War II. The game, which will be released this holiday, will utilize virtual reality technology to allow an immersive look at the
by Elisha DeograciasGaming Trend · Episode 018: Zombie Survival Guide This week Erica Echlin and Jon Miller talk about Doomsday prepping, Zombies, and bug out bags! – I’ll let Jon say Evil Dead is a zombie movie…even though it’s not. – Jon can’t fathom the fact that some people don’t
by Erica EchlinToday, First Contact Entertainment announce that it will release its upcoming competitive VR shooter Solaris Offworld Combat on Oculus Quest and Rift August 27, with a PSVR release afterwards. The game will challenge player with a futuristic setting and some sweet maneuvers. From an official blog post: We’ve been
by Elisha Deogracias