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Gen Con

Gen Con

Previews   -   Aug 09, 2019 Pipeline brings a refined experience to the table
Pipeline brings a refined experience to the table

Clay Ross of Capstone Games gives us a quick look at one of the hottest games at Gen Con: Pipeline. The refinement of oil has long been part of the government-controlled energy sector. Amassed with an incredibly complex and inefficient system of refineries, the government has felt the severe pressures

Interviews   -   Aug 08, 2019 Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok wants you to stop asking your dice for permission to play
Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok wants you to stop asking your dice for permission to play

When Andrew Valkauskas is asked why his RPG Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok doesn’t use dice, he talks about narrative, and how jarring rolling dice and doing math needlessly disrupt the game. Ragnarok’s rune-based system is not only thematically consistent with the Norse mythology setting, it specifically addresses

Dueling, dice, and dark magicks- Sorcerer isn’t just another deck game
Previews   -   Aug 09, 2019 Dueling, dice, and dark magicks- Sorcerer isn’t just another deck game

Rob Dougherty of White Wizard Games walks us through the mechanics of their new hybrid card-based/board game Sorcerer. Set in Victorian London, players take on the role of sorcerer, warring for control of the city using minions and spells. Each game you will create a unique sorcerer by combining

by Mike Dunn
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Previews   -   Aug 09, 2019 Dueling, dice, and dark magicks- Sorcerer isn’t just another deck game
Dueling, dice, and dark magicks- Sorcerer isn’t just another deck game

Rob Dougherty of White Wizard Games walks us through the mechanics of their new hybrid card-based/board game Sorcerer. Set in Victorian London, players take on the role of sorcerer, warring for control of the city using minions and spells. Each game you will create a unique sorcerer by combining

by Mike Dunn
Previews   -   Aug 09, 2019 Pipeline brings a refined experience to the table
Pipeline brings a refined experience to the table

Clay Ross of Capstone Games gives us a quick look at one of the hottest games at Gen Con: Pipeline. The refinement of oil has long been part of the government-controlled energy sector. Amassed with an incredibly complex and inefficient system of refineries, the government has felt the severe pressures

by Mike Dunn
Interviews   -   Aug 08, 2019 Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok wants you to stop asking your dice for permission to play
Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok wants you to stop asking your dice for permission to play

When Andrew Valkauskas is asked why his RPG Fate of the Norns: Ragnarok doesn’t use dice, he talks about narrative, and how jarring rolling dice and doing math needlessly disrupt the game. Ragnarok’s rune-based system is not only thematically consistent with the Norse mythology setting, it specifically addresses

by Mike Dunn
Previews   -   Aug 08, 2019 Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels is a side-scrolling tabletop experience that’s hard not to dig
Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels is a side-scrolling tabletop experience that’s hard not to dig

Heath from Panda Cult Games gives us a demo and walkthrough of their upcoming game based on the Shovel Knight video games- Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels. Coming to Kickstarter in mid-August, this board game features characters and miniatures ripped straight from the indie hit, including side-scrollin

by Mike Dunn
News   -   Aug 03, 2019 Play as an Egyptian God in the newest board game Ankh from CMON!
Play as an Egyptian God in the newest board game Ankh from CMON!

CMON recently announced Ankh a game for 2 to 5 players  coming to Kickstarter later this year. Ankh is the third game in the trilogy of mythological games from Eric M. Lang.  Following the hits of Blood Rage and Rising Sun the game Ankh gives players the ability to play

by Jason Ornelas
News   -   Aug 01, 2019 Fantasy Flight announces new LCG in the Marvel Universe coming later this year
Fantasy Flight announces new LCG in the Marvel Universe coming later this year

Fantasy Flight Games recently announced Marvel Champions: The Card Game, their newest Living Card Game which takes place in the Marvel Universe. In this cooperative board game for one to four players heroes will work together to stop the villains from global domination, and will be released during the fourth

by Jason Ornelas
News   -   Aug 01, 2019 New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con
New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con

It’s just about August of 2019 and that means one thing, Gen con is about to be in full swing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ahead of the convention Gale Force Nine published a forecast as to what attendees can look forward to either purchasing, or playing, on the show floor.

by George Kruger
News   -   Jul 31, 2019 Kill the zombies before they kill you with Zombicide 2nd Edition on Kickstarter next year
Kill the zombies before they kill you with Zombicide 2nd Edition on Kickstarter next year

CMON and Guillotine Games have just announced that they will bring over the second edition of the popular zombie-slaying board game Zombicide to Kickstarter sometime next year. Featuring improved mechanics and an emphasis on story-driven missions, the game will appeal to fans of the 2012 title or newcomers looking for

by Elisha Deogracias
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