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Comic Book

Impressions   -   May 03, 2017 Zero to hero: Fresh Off the Boat Presents: Legion of Dope-itude Featuring Lazy Boy impressions
Zero to hero: Fresh Off the Boat Presents: Legion of Dope-itude Featuring Lazy Boy impressions

The first Saturday of every May marks one of the biggest traditions in the comic book world: Free Comic Book Day. While publishers releasing special issues for free this weekend isn’t new, Boom! Studios tried something new with one of its offerings. Based on the show of the same

Reviews   -   Apr 08, 2017 Oh my glob, what the lump: Adventure Time: Brain Robbers review
Oh my glob, what the lump: Adventure Time: Brain Robbers review

Even after nearly seven years of running on television, Adventure Time never ceases to amaze me with its eclectic ensemble of characters. The colorful cast filled with different personalities guarantees that you’ll have a favorite of the bunch. I for one adore Lumpy Space Princess, an egotistical yet comical

Another side, another story: Beauty and the Beast manga impressions
Impressions   -   May 22, 2017 Another side, another story: Beauty and the Beast manga impressions

Like it or not, Disney seems set on rebooting its line of animated films as live-action adaptations. While the level of quality is up for debate, you can’t argue with the amount of commercial success each film brought, so it’s understandable that the company would want to do

by Elisha Deogracias
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Impressions   -   May 22, 2017 Another side, another story: Beauty and the Beast manga impressions
Another side, another story: Beauty and the Beast manga impressions

Like it or not, Disney seems set on rebooting its line of animated films as live-action adaptations. While the level of quality is up for debate, you can’t argue with the amount of commercial success each film brought, so it’s understandable that the company would want to do

by Elisha Deogracias
Impressions   -   May 03, 2017 Zero to hero: Fresh Off the Boat Presents: Legion of Dope-itude Featuring Lazy Boy impressions
Zero to hero: Fresh Off the Boat Presents: Legion of Dope-itude Featuring Lazy Boy impressions

The first Saturday of every May marks one of the biggest traditions in the comic book world: Free Comic Book Day. While publishers releasing special issues for free this weekend isn’t new, Boom! Studios tried something new with one of its offerings. Based on the show of the same

by Elisha Deogracias
Reviews   -   Apr 08, 2017 Oh my glob, what the lump: Adventure Time: Brain Robbers review
Oh my glob, what the lump: Adventure Time: Brain Robbers review

Even after nearly seven years of running on television, Adventure Time never ceases to amaze me with its eclectic ensemble of characters. The colorful cast filled with different personalities guarantees that you’ll have a favorite of the bunch. I for one adore Lumpy Space Princess, an egotistical yet comical

by Elisha Deogracias
Impressions   -   Apr 04, 2017 Faster Than a Speeding TARDIS – Doctor Who: Ghost Stories Impressions
Faster Than a Speeding TARDIS – Doctor Who: Ghost Stories Impressions

2016’s Doctor Who Christmas special, “The Return of Doctor Mysterio,” introduced a boy named Grant who gained Superman’s most well known powers (flight, super strength, bulletproof skin, x-ray vision) when he mistook a powerful alien gemstone—one of only four in the universe—for a large pill and

by Kyle Movius
Interviews   -   Mar 29, 2017 Meta-critic: Dr. McNinja creator Christopher Hastings on Gwenpool’s ongoing series
Meta-critic: Dr. McNinja creator Christopher Hastings on Gwenpool’s ongoing series

Making her debut in 2015, newcomer Marvel superhero Gwenpool has been making waves since her introduction as a variant cover for an issue of a Secret Wars tie-in. With her first ongoing series entering its fourteenth issue in April, we spoke with Christopher Hastings, writer for Gwenpool as well as

by Elisha Deogracias
Reviews   -   Mar 22, 2017 Please Mind the Morphs: Twelfth Doctor #2.14–15 Review
Please Mind the Morphs: Twelfth Doctor #2.14–15 Review

I got into Doctor Who around the end of 2011, starting with the Ninth Doctor and catching up to the then-current Eleventh Doctor in a few months, and later going back to watch a bunch of Classic Who as well. So I am familiar with the series. Every time the

by Kyle Movius
Impressions   -   Feb 28, 2017 Cooking by the book – Brave Chef Brianna issue one impressions
Cooking by the book – Brave Chef Brianna issue one impressions

A little guilty pleasure of mine is cooking shows. Whether it be the lighthearted conflict of The Great British Baking Show or the stressful battles of Hell’s Kitchen, I love me some food fights here and there. Kaboom!’s Brave Chef Brianna is a miniseries that aims to emulate

by Elisha Deogracias
Reviews   -   Dec 26, 2016 Yes Spidey, there is a Galactus: Gwenpool Holiday: Merry Mix-Up review
Yes Spidey, there is a Galactus: Gwenpool Holiday: Merry Mix-Up review

If you told me a year ago that we would have a comic about a ghost version of Hitler teaching Red Skull the heartwarming meaning of the “Hail Hydra”, I probably would have cringed. However, this crazy premise, and much more, is included in Marvel’s Gwenpool Holiday: Merry Mix-Up,

by Elisha Deogracias
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