Today, Team Alto, a small team of talented individuals announced that their latest game, Alto’s Odyssey, will be hitting Apple’s App Store later this month.
Alto’s Odyssey, in collaboration between studio Snowman and game artist and designer Harry Nesbitt, is a beautiful game where you sandboard through
Today, Nintendo announced that they have set a date for when the once-popular social & questionnaire app Miitomo will have its servers shut down: May 9th, 2018.
Miitomo, the first game of the five-game partnership between DeNA and Nintendo, was a game revolving around answering questions asked by your friend’
Today, the Pokemon Go Twitter announced that the popular AR game will be celebrating “Pokemon Day” with a similar fashion to how they celebrate most holidays, by giving Pikachu a new hat.
Starting today, Pikachu can be found in the wild wearing a special party hat, presumably after getting lost
Today, the Pokemon Go Twitter announced that the popular AR game will be celebrating “Pokemon Day” with a similar fashion to how they celebrate most holidays, by giving Pikachu a new hat.
Starting today, Pikachu can be found in the wild wearing a special party hat, presumably after getting lost
Today, Team Alto, a small team of talented individuals announced that their latest game, Alto’s Odyssey, will be hitting Apple’s App Store later this month.
Alto’s Odyssey, in collaboration between studio Snowman and game artist and designer Harry Nesbitt, is a beautiful game where you sandboard through
Today, Nintendo announced that they have set a date for when the once-popular social & questionnaire app Miitomo will have its servers shut down: May 9th, 2018.
Miitomo, the first game of the five-game partnership between DeNA and Nintendo, was a game revolving around answering questions asked by your friend’
Starting today, 23 new Pokemon have been added to Pokemon Go as the third region’s Pokedex is slowly rolled out over the new year.
All of these Pokemon are from the Hoenn Region, the location of the third generation games Pokemon Sapphire and Pokemon Ruby and their respective remakes,
What is your name and position with Camex?
I’m Michael Tseng, in my role as COO for Camex I oversee everything from game development, live operation, and studio operations to marketing and biz dev.
Can you tell us about Camex Games, what types of games are you known for?
Earlier this year, Infinite Fall released Night in the Woods, a charming and sometimes too-real adventure game that was well-received by a wide array of outlets. This indie game became nominated for The Game Award’s Best Indie Game and Games for Impact as well as made its way onto
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is the fourth and penultimate game created by Japanese mobile developer DeNA in partnership with Nintendo. It follows Miitomo, Super Mario Run, and Fire Emblem Heroes, games that were critically–if not financially–successful (Super Mario run has been downloaded over 200 million times, but did
When I think of games that helped launch this Renaissance Age of board gaming, I have to include Ticket to Ride on that list. With millions of copies sold, Ticket to Ride rode its success with multiple expansions and variants where people can build railways in locations across the globe.