Sakura Wars (or Sakura Taisen) has been around for a number of years, through five different games, a movie, anime series and...
Some game series don Newbies are Welcome The Yakuza series was meant to be a multi-title game from the very beginning....
Is it that time already? Did KOEI release another Dynasty Warriors game where we head back to the tumultuous time known as...
I am a huge sci-fi geek. It shouldn’t really be a surprise, considering that I’m a pasty, pudgy, video game-loving white guy. ...
I Lunar SSH tells the story of Alex, a teenager that grew up idolizing Dyne the Dragonmaster. Dyne, along with three other...
Back in 2001, PopTop Software put out a great little economic and political management title called Tropico. Tropico was a satirical simulation...
Every now and then a game comes along that attempts to do something completely different than what has been done before. More...
We’re right in the middle of two major movements in gaming: The retro revival and the burgeoning D.I.Y. indie aesthetic. With all...
Back in the day, I used to spend a great deal of time playing side-scrolling shooters, with some of my favorites being...