by John Farrell
by Dan Hinkin
by Ron Burke
This Fall unleashes World Of Warplanes as another installment in their highly-successful “World Of” franchise. Following in the footsteps of their...
Sleeping Dogs starts right in the middle of a drug deal. When things go south, protagonist Wei Shen finds himself running through...
In the Book of Revelations, when the end of days is upon us it will begin by opening the first four of...
After a false start with an early release then removal of the game from their website, Square Enix has now made Final...
Darksiders II on the PC has effectively no graphics options. Resolution, V-Sync, and gamma: that’s about it. Experience suggests the coming days...
Team Fortress 2 has another update underway, and I have to admit, I had to check this one twice to make sure...
The idea behind Dust 514 is a pretty novel one. There’s nothing new about first-person shooters or free-to-play games, but a free-to-play...
It’s that magical time of year. The holidays will soon be upon us, and with that comes a game that we’ve seen...
Relive the glory days of arcade gaming with the newly announced NeoGeo X Gold, from SNK Playmore and Tommo Inc. Coming out...
I just bought a (digital) boatload of Android games. Why? Because I’m suddenly infatuated with mobile gaming. For the longest time I...
It’s 1984 and the world is in shambles. Decades of conflict have wrought their ruin, and Tomorrow City’s art-deco splendor looms over...
Death sports have seen plenty of representation in videogames and film, but soon Double Summon Games will explore the subgenre via Despair...
A few years ago, as my students and I were discussing issues they were concerned with, one of my students blurted out,...
I’m starting to think this Weyland Yutani group doesn’t have humanity’s best interests in mind. Call me crazy, but they also don’t...
I can’t play the trombone in real life, nor can I say that I’ve ever really felt the need to, but you...
When John Carmack left id Studios to work at Meta (then Facebook), he clearly stated that he had a target in mind...
There are a few things a mystery needs to work, though a good writer can break one or all of these rules....
Joel Haver epitomizes everything I’ve been trying to get across with my series on low budget films. Like many creators on Youtube,...
Today in a new trailer during Day of the Devs, Arc Games and Heart Machine announced that their highly-anticipated co-op rogue-like, Hyper...