
Dungeon Fighter Online Act X: Rebirth Detailed

Nexon has revealed the final details of the upcoming summer update to side-scrolling MMO action-brawler Dungeon Fighter Online. The massive update will take launch on June 29th.

First up is a revamped item shop, which will allow players to purchase customizable avatars and preview various accessories in a friendlier, more efficient format. Selectable Avatars are another new addition, giving players more control over their look. Previously announced features for the summer update include a new Thief class, a raise to the level cap, and new dungeons. The full list of updates can be found by heading over to the official site. In addition, Nexon will be running several player events to celebrate the launch of the new update:

In celebration of Act X: Rebirth, DFO will be running several events so that players can try out the Thief class, try their hand at reaching level 70 or explore the new  city of Bahn-Hafen. Double EXP, Golden Goblin and Hot Time events will be held from 5-7 p.m. PST on June 30, July 2, July 9 and July 10. Players can use these events to level up faster and receive special gifts unique to Act X: Rebirth.

Dungeon Fighter Online has been around for almost two years and still going strong. Check it out if you’re looking for a little beat ’em up action this summer!

Tim is a veteran gamer whose love started with boardwalk arcade games and the Atari 2600 he received for Christmas when he was six years old. Since that time he has owned nearly every major console while also remaining a hardcore PC gamer. He is also a self-confessed MMO addict who has tried almost every A-list MMO release since the original EverQuest.

Tim is a committed platform agnostic - if it's fun, he'll play it. So in addition to the world of traditional video games, you can find him playing board games on a Saturday night, dabbling in some old-school D&D, or checking out a new mobile game on his iPhone or iPad. He is also a devoted puzzle fan who can often be found clutching a pencil and a copy of Games magazine.

Tim's eclectic habits also extend to his love of reading, movies, and music. He is a huge movie buff who has nearly completed his goal of watching every film on the AFI Top 100 Movies of All Time list. He is also a huge horror buff who currently owns around 200 of the best (and worst) horror movies. On the music front he loves everything from the Beatles to Beethoven, and is currently working his way through an ever-growing list of fantasy novel series.

Tim is a network engineer for a regional medical center. When not indulging his many entertainment hobbies, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, cooking out, and taking care of his "zoo" of three cats and two cockatiels.

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