Ground zero. When the Smallpox Variola Chimera virus, better known as the Green Poison, hit the United States, New York City was...
To celebrate the release of Episode 2 – Pentagon: The Last Castle, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is available digitally for 70%...
The conflict in The Division 2 is growing with its upcoming episodic content drops. Pushing beyond the city, these free expansions to...
Today, Ubisoft announced that it has reduced the price of Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 from now until June 24 for PlayStation...
If you want a roadmap of how to go from good to great, you don’t have to look much further than Ubisoft...
Anyone anticipating The Division 2’s launch later this week can get on board with more excitement with a new skill for Amazon’s...
Just weeks before the release of the anticipated online shooter, Ubisoft laid out the full roadmap for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2’s...
Today, Ubisoft released a new trailer for the upcoming Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, this time focusing on content players can expect...
We are about a month out from the launch of The Division 2, so the team at Red Storm finally gave us...
Today, Ubisoft announced the dates for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2’s Private Beta as well as revealed a new story trailer. This...
Today, Ubisoft released an informative video that gave everyone a glimpse at what sort of PC features and specs will be available...
Up until this point, Ubisoft has been relatively quiet about The Division 2. But here at Microsoft’s E3 conference, we’ve received a...