The classic anime, Gungrave, is receiving its very own virtual reality title, aptly named Gungrave VR. You can check out a trailer...
XSEEDgames' upcoming title, Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin has received a new trailer. This title combines side-scrolling action with deep farming and...
After revealing that Code Vein will be released this September for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, Bandai Namco has released some...
From the trailers to the screenshots released at E3, we’ve been excited to see what’s in store for SoulCalibur VI, which will...
Naruto (and Boruto!) fans are ready for the upcoming multiplayer action game Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker, which will be released on...
If you're still hungry for more My Hero Academia action, My Hero One's Justice is just months away from its slated October...
Yesterday, Xseed Games released a new trailer for the upcoming western release of Senran Kagura Burst Re:Newal, which will be released this...
Yesterday, Xseed Games released a new trailer for the upcoming action-RPG Fate/EXTELLA Link. The direct sequel to Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star, the...
We haven't seen hide nor hair of the hotly anticipated Cyberpunk 2077 since it's initial teaser trailer in 2013. Five years later,...
Soulcalibur VI has gotten a group of new screenshots revealed, giving players a closer look at the game. Soulcalibur is set to...
Soulcalibur, a tale of swords and souls being eternally told, is getting another game added to the franchise. Soulcalibur VI has gotten...
Wolfenstein is taking its gameplay into VR with the new game Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot. You play as a resistance hacker who takes control...
Overcooked recently made its way to the Switch and during Nintendo's E3 presentation Overcooked 2 made its first appearance. The frantic mulitplayer...
Today, Destiny 2's upcoming game mode, called "Gambit," becomes playable on the E3 show floor. We'll have a preview with our impressions...
Focus Home Interactive and New World Interactive announced today that its FPS Insurgency: Sandstorm will be released on PC this September, with...
Earlier this week during E3, Starbreeze announced that it will release OVERKILL's The Walking Dead on November 6 for PlayStation 4, Xbox...
Today, Tigertron announced that its upcoming exploration game Jupiter & Mars will be playable at The MIX, E3’s premiere indie game showcase....
Today, Bandai Namco announced that its upcoming fighting game My Hero One’s Justice will be released on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation...
Knights and Bikes was successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2016, and is now nearing release. During E3, a trailer for the game...
Earthfall is a new cooperative first-person shooter that has been in Steam Early Access for a little over a year and will...
Déraciné, the newest title out of FromSoftware, has been announced for PS VR. The trailer is rather unspecific, but rather intriguing. Be...
Team 17 recently revealed that it will release the roguelike shooter Genesis: Alpha One on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on...
The new Spider-Man gameplay demo showed Spidey attempting to stop a prison break at the Raft, a supermax prison. He faced Electro, Rhino,...
This new batch of HD screenshots comes courtesy of Sony, showcasing the remake's visual fidelity. After an impressive reveal at their press...
In the middle of Sony's E3 press conference, Squanch Games, the studio from the mind behind Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland, announced...
In what has become typical Death Stranding fashion, the title's new E3 trailer uncovered plenty of questions while giving very few answers....
Alongside the trailer, Remedy Entertainment has also unloaded their screenshot vault for us to fawn over. A dozen screenshots are included in...
What is exciting about the Hitman games is the variety given to the player in how they choose to take down their...
As many were hoping, a Pirates of the Caribbean world has been confirmed via a new trailer for Kingdom Hearts III at...
Sony announced that with the pre-order of COD Black Ops 4, they will be giving fans a remastered classic map pack, titled...
Destiny 2's upcoming expansion, Forsaken, has received a new cinematic trailer. While it is devoid of gameplay, the footage gives us a...