Ron Burke
Ron Burke is the Editor in Chief for Gaming Trend. Loves RPGs, action/adventure, and VR, but also dabbles in 3D printing, martial arts, and flight!

Rhythm-based games aren’t new, by any stretch of the imagination. We still fire up Rock Band and match notes for fun, and games like Rocksmith taught us to play the real thing. Games like Crypt of the Necrodancer and Pistol Whip took those concepts and spun them on their
by Ron Burke
There’s power, and then there’s power. The GeForce RTX 3090 was already insanely powerful, but progress doesn’t stand still. Pushing the envelope even harder, NVIDIA sets their horizon well beyond where we stand today, with enough power to handle not only 4K gaming, but 8K and massive
by Ron Burke
The Godfather is such a timeless classic that it’s hard to believe that it was made in 1972. It aged so gracefully, launching the meteoric careers of so many young actors that it feels like this movie is equal part opus and talent incubator. Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, James
by Ron Burke
I loved Moss. Every second of the game was an absolute treat, and I had nothing but high praise for the game when I reviewed it in 2018. Polyarc, the Seattle-based talent that brought it to life, took some huge swings, and every single one of them landed in a
by Ron Burke
My wife and I do a lot of gaming together, but she isn’t the type to be huddled over a desk and monitor. No, she wants to game from the couch, but she also recognizes that PC is where games look their very best, and where most cooperative titles
by Ron Burke
Shooter opens with a gaff so big I’m surprised they could hump it out of the jungle. After Bob Lee Swagger (yes, that’s his name) lands some frankly stellar shots (somehow with absolutely no recoil) from an M40A3 rifle and then breaks immediately and starts yelling with lots
by Ron Burke
Coming To America hit at precisely the right time, with an impossibly talented cast (hello cameos from complete nobodies named Cuba Gooding Jr. as “Boy Getting Haircut”, some comedian nobody had ever heard of named Louis Anderson as fast food worker “Maurice”, and some guy named Samuel L. Jackson as
by Ron Burke
At last check there’s about a bazillion SSDs on the market at this point, from dozens if not hundreds of vendors. It’s hard to know which drives are worth your hard earned money, and which have cut corners in the pricing wars. Well, we’ve reviewed quite a
by Ron Burke