Rocksteady has just released a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming final entry in the Arkham series. Titled “Evening the Odds” the...
Starting today and over the course of the next 2 weeks, Humble Bundle will be offering daily packs of games you can...
Microsoft is ending its gold membership requirement for various popular streaming services. You won’t have to be subscribed to Xbox Live to...
Earlier this week, after years of fan demand, remakes of the third generation Pokemon games (which originally came out in 2003 on...
Earlier this week, Nintendo came under heavy criticism when it was revealed that same-sex relationships wouldn’t be a choice in their popular...
The numbers are in. Gamespot has posted Capcom’s sales figures for its recent big releases and things are looking good for the...
You may have already heard the bad news, Gamespy announced last month that it would be shutting down its once expansive online...
Originally confirmed only for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC, Focus Home Interactive announced today that its upcoming Sherlock Holmes...