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Christian DeCoster

Number of Articles 34
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A Kay Purcell 317 Articles
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Christian DeCoster's Work 34 Articles
Previews   -   Mar 28, 2017 What if God was one of us? Skyforge preview
What if God was one of us? Skyforge preview

The end goal of all MMORPGs is to be the most powerful, but Skyforge takes that one step further: rather than tell the story of your adventures, Skyforge aims to tell the story of your rise to godhood. While the game in its current state has lofty ambitions, and a

by Christian DeCoster
Reviews   -   Mar 22, 2017 Funyarinpa for the whole family: Zero Escape: The Nonary Games
Funyarinpa for the whole family: Zero Escape: The Nonary Games

999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, AKA 999, is a game I generally refer to as either “the best game no one’s played” or “that awesome visual novel with the really long name.” While it’s easy to chalk that up to a lot of different factors, the

by Christian DeCoster
Previews   -   Mar 13, 2017 Krogan power: Mass Effect Andromeda hands-on at PAX
Krogan power: Mass Effect Andromeda hands-on at PAX

While Mass Effect has dabbled in online multiplayer before, the series is known to most for its story-based single player mode. Because of this, it’s a little strange that the PAX demo I played just showcases the multiplayer. In spite of some expectations, however, the team-based cooperative multiplayer of

by Christian DeCoster
Reviews   -   Mar 02, 2017 Half a game at half the price: Dying: Reborn review
Half a game at half the price: Dying: Reborn review

Dying: Reborn actually intrigued me from the first trailer; a first-person escape-the-room game using the PSVR sounded like a pretty fun time, the jump scares looked exciting, and the fish-headed villain added a surreal touch to the whole thing. All that interest almost immediately disappeared once I started playing the

by Christian DeCoster
Reviews   -   Mar 01, 2017 Playing God: Torment: Tides of Numenera review
Playing God: Torment: Tides of Numenera review

When it first launched on Kickstarter, Torment: Tides of Numenera seemed like a dream come true. A spiritual successor to the innovative 90’s PC RPG Planescape Torment, set in a new universe created by Dungeons and Dragons veteran Monte Cook, with a team made up of Obsidian and Interplay

by Christian DeCoster
Reviews   -   Feb 21, 2017 Dynasty, gorier: Berserk and the Band of the Hawk review
Dynasty, gorier: Berserk and the Band of the Hawk review

Berserk and Dynasty warriors seem like a match made in gaming heaven. After all, both feature similar elements: a one-man-army with a ridiculous weapon facing down hordes of enemies in battles where casualties can easily go into the thousands. Sadly, the perfect couple has a few issues that start off

by Christian DeCoster
Previews   -   Feb 08, 2017 Who would win in a fight?- For Honor preview
Who would win in a fight?- For Honor preview

Written by Christian DeCoster and Rachel “Rei” Berry For Honor is, in my mind, the ultimate elementary school “who’d win in a fight” game.  With the classic mix of Samurai, Knights, and Vikings all joining in brutal, unflinching melee combat, For Honor is a simple concept done very, very

by Christian DeCoster
Reviews   -   Feb 07, 2017 Search for the Kodama: Nioh review
Search for the Kodama: Nioh review

After over 12 years in development, Nioh plays like a compilation of every hack-and-slash RPG since the early 2000s, and while it’s almost tempting to write off most of the gameplay as being derivative of From Software’s recent action RPGs, like Bloodborne and the Dark Souls franchise, there’

by Christian DeCoster
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